1997 Regular Session (55th Legislative Assembly)
Physicians and Surgeons
Category | Bill |
Doctor of the Day Program Appreciation | SCR 4060 |
Drug Administration Definition | SB 2234 |
Expectant Mother Information on Unborn Children Development | HB 1478 |
Health Care Provider and Patient Relation Contradiction | HB 1418 |
Hypodermic Needle Possession Limitations | SB 2282 |
Medical Examiners Disciplinary Action for Chelation | HB 1370 |
Medical Licensing and Discipline | HB 1135 |
Medical Malpractice Expert Witnesses | SB 2217 |
Medical Peer Review Proceedings and Records | SB 2301 |
Medical Practice Across State Lines | HB 1165 |
Optometry Licensing | HB 1334 |
Physician Licensing and Education Requirements | SB 2122 |
Podiatrist Licensing and Disciplinary Actions | SB 2060 |
Podiatrist Licensing and Discipline | HB 1239 |
State Hospital Medical Director Appointment | SB 2149 |
Tuberculosis Control Measures | SB 2208 |
Workers' Compensation Medical Benefits | HB 1265 |