2001 Regular Session (57th Legislative Assembly)
Highway Patrol
Category | Bill |
Administration and Operations Appropriation | HB 1026 |
Appropriation | SB 2011 |
Diplomats' Traffic Offense Disposition | HB 1191 |
Drivers Intrastate Federal Hours of Service Exemptions | SB 2087 |
Experimental Vehicles Equipment and Operation | HB 1452 |
Faxing Permits for Excess Size Vehicles | SB 2089 |
Highway Weight Limits Exception for Ag Machines | SB 2054 |
Passenger Contract Carrier Safety Standards | SB 2309 |
Peace Officers' Bill of Rights | SB 2368 |
Retirement Benefits for Highway Patrolmen | SB 2084 |
Traffic Offense Fees - Various Violations | SB 2088 |
Wind Generator Transport Fee Reduction | HB 1308 |