2001 Regular Session (57th Legislative Assembly)
Legislative Assembly
Category | Bill |
Accreditation Rule Waiver by Superintendent | SB 2166 |
Bill Delivery | HB 1050 |
Civil Action Continuance for Legislators | HB 1205 |
Congress to Amend Constitution on Redistricting | SCR 4012 |
Game and Fish Department Director Appointment | SB 2377 |
House Members Memorialized | HMR 7001 |
Human Rights Commission | SB 2217 |
Interim Committee Compensation Amount | SB 2176 |
John T. Schneider Memorial Resolution | HMR 7002 |
Legislative Assembly Budget Session in Even-numbered Years | SB 2450 |
Legislative Branch Appropriation | SB 2001 |
Legislative Council Commerce Cabinet Study | HCR 3066 |
Legislative Council Fiscal Note Process Study | HCR 3043 |
Legislative Council Legis. and Judicial Branch Powers Study | HCR 3015 |
Legislative Council Redistricting Study | HCR 3003 |
Legislative Employee Positions and Compensation | SCR 4007 |
Legislative Office Vacancy Filling | SB 2230 |
Legislative Session Compensation Amount | SB 2175 |
Legislator Committee Meeting Compensation | SB 2048 |
Legislator Employment Rights | HB 1474 |
Legislator Pretax Benefits Program Participation | HB 1449 |
Mandated Health Ins. Coverage Cost-benefit Analysis and Study | HB 1407 |
Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact | HB 1408 |
Seed Commission Report to Legislative Agriculture Committees | SB 2392 |
Senate Members Memorialized | SMR 8001 |
Vacancy in Elected Office Preparations for Special Elections | SB 2301 |
Venture Capital Fund | HB 1039 |