Category | Bill |
Accredited Public Accountants | SB 2398 |
Acupuncture Practice | SB 2369 |
Aircraft Dealer License Fees | SB 2073 |
Ambulance and Emergency Services and Pilot Program | HB 1202 |
Assis. Lvng. and Basic Care Facil. Licens., Costs, and Pharm. | HB 1109 |
Auctioneers and Clerks License Renewals and Fees | HB 1067 |
Collegiate Motor Vehicle License Plates | SB 2203 |
Commercial Driver's License Waiver in Emergency | HB 1199 |
Concealed Weapons License Fee Disposition | HB 1160 |
Contractor License Not in Good Standing | HB 1138 |
Currency Exchange Businesses and Consumer Finance Act Licens. | SB 2370 |
Deferred Presentment Service Provider Licensing | HB 1273 |
Dentist and Hygienist Registration, License, and Practice | SB 2161 |
Detection of Deception Examiner Fees | HB 1159 |
Driver's License Not to Use Social Security Number | HB 1245 |
Driver's License Revisions | HB 1189 |
Farm Winery Licenses | HB 1404 |
Firemen's Association Logo on License Plates | HB 1289 |
Guide and Outfitting Services to Nonresidents | HB 1274 |
Guides and Outfitters Licensing and Regulation | HB 1069 |
Hunter Education Volunteer Gratis Hunting Licenses | HB 1070 |
Insurance Producers Licensing | SB 2144 |
Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact | SB 2178 |
Legislative Council Early Childhood Facility Licensure Study | HCR 3068 |
License Fee Credits for Motor Vehicles | HB 1184 |
License Recog. From Other Juris. Occupations and Professions | SB 2303 |
Meat Inspection Continuing Education and Licensing | SB 2109 |
Minors' Operators' License Points for Cancellation | SB 2436 |
Money Broker Licensee Activities | HB 1081 |
Motorboat Licensing Sales Tax Payment Evidence | SB 2051 |
Motor Vehicle Dealer Licensing | SB 2273 |
Motor Vehicle Registration Fee Increase | SB 2159 |
Motor Vehicles May Display Single Number Plate | SB 2411 |
Nonresident Discrimination Notice to State Agencies | SB 2049 |
Nonresident Hunting and Fishing License Fees | HB 1468 |
Nonresident Insurance Agent Exemption | SB 2247 |
Nonresident Vendors for Game and Fish Licenses | HB 1238 |
Nonresident Waterfowl Hunting Zones | HB 1333 |
Nonresident Youth Hunting Reciprocity | SB 2170 |
Private Investigative and Security Serv. Licenses and Exemp. | SB 2126 |
Professional Practice Regulation | SB 2115 |
Radiologic Practitioner Licensing | SB 2409 |
Reciprocal Licensing Compacts for Professionals | HB 1150 |
Temporary Registration of Motor Vehicles | HB 1261 |
Veterans' Cemetery License Plate Interest Earnings | SB 2158 |