2001 Regular Session (57th Legislative Assembly)
Occupations and Professions
Category | Bill |
Abstracters' Fees Indexing | HB 1195 |
Accredited Public Accountants | SB 2398 |
Acupuncture Practice | SB 2369 |
Audits and Reviews of Occupational and Professional Boards | HB 1259 |
Center for Nursing | HB 1360 |
Continuing Education for Insurance Agents | HB 1057 |
Cosmetology Schools and Instructors | SB 2371 |
Dentist and Hygienist Registration, License, and Practice | SB 2161 |
Detection of Deception Examiner Fees | HB 1159 |
Detection of Deception Examiners Instruments and Operations | HB 1379 |
Electrician Licensure and Board Membership | HB 1227 |
Engineers and Land Surveyors Continuing Ed. Requirements | SB 2186 |
Fee Increase Limitation for Licenses | SB 2258 |
Guides and Outfitters Licensing and Regulation | HB 1069 |
Insurance Producers Licensing | SB 2144 |
Interpreters Licensing for Deaf and Hard of Hearing | HB 1304 |
License Recog. From Other Juris. Occupations and Professions | SB 2303 |
Marriage and Family Therapist Licensing | SB 2243 |
Massage Practice and Regulation | HB 1155 |
Nonresident Discrimination Notice to State Agencies | SB 2049 |
Nonresident Electrician Licensing | SB 2317 |
Nonresident Real Estate Appraiser Permit | SB 2206 |
Nurses Educational Requirements | SB 2241 |
Nursing Practice, Licensure, Residency, and Discipline | SB 2114 |
Private Investigative and Security Serv. Licenses and Exemp. | SB 2126 |
Professional Practice Regulation | SB 2115 |
Real Estate Broker Duties and Liabilities | SB 2208 |
Reciprocal Licensing Compacts for Professionals | HB 1150 |
Respiratory Care Practice Changes | SB 2162 |
Technology Occupation Student Loan Interest Buydown | HB 1283 |