2001 Regular Session (57th Legislative Assembly)
Property Tax
Category | Bill |
Abatement Proceeding Valuation Explanation | HB 1206 |
Agricultural Property Valuation Freeze and Study | HB 1362 |
Ambulance Service Levy Limitation | HB 1405 |
Assisted Living Facility Property Tax Exemption | SB 2425 |
Building Funds of School Districts | HB 1466 |
Capitalization Rate for Agricultural Property Valuation | HB 1246 |
Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Payments in Lieu of Taxes Repeal | HB 1121 |
City Employee Health Insurance Tax Levy | SB 2213 |
Commercial Rental Property True and Full Value | HB 1204 |
Constitutional Amend. - Wildlife or Conserv. Land Tax Exemp. | SCR 4045 |
County Levy Limit for Comprehensive Health Insurance | HB 1135 |
Delinquency in Property Tax Disqual. From Elective Office | SB 2438 |
Economic Development Incentives Information Collection | HB 1403 |
Economic Development Reports by Governor | SB 2335 |
Farm and Ranchland Appropriation by Nonprofit Organizations | HB 1053 |
Farm Building Exemption Income Limitations Elimination | HB 1464 |
Farm Buildings Exemption Income Limitations | HB 1334 |
Homestead Credit Transportation Expenses | HB 1059 |
Income Tax Rate Increase for Found. Aid/property Tax Reduct. | SB 2428 |
Inundated Agricultural Land Assessment | SB 2068 |
Legislative Council Agricultural Property Assessment Study | HCR 3047 |
Legislative Council Economic Develop. Reporting System Study | HCR 3055 |
Legislative Council Health and Housing Charit Tax Exemp Study | SCR 4001 |
Legislative Council Public Housing Authority Tax Exemp. Study | HCR 3010 |
Legislative Council School District Tax Alternatives Study | HCR 3018 |
Legislative Council School Prop. Tax Relief/state Fund. Study | HCR 3060 |
Legislative Council Unproductive Land Property Tax Study | SCR 4010 |
Minimum Refunds by Counties | HB 1332 |
Mobile Home Taxes Assessed Like Property Taxes | SB 2453 |
Mowing and Snow Removal Township Levy Use | SB 2334 |
Nonprofit Organization Payments in Lieu of Taxes on Ag Land | SB 2185 |
Nonresident of Taxing District Vote on Property Tax | HB 1231 |
Park District Levy for Comprehensive Health Care | HB 1359 |
Park District Mill Levy Consolidation | HB 1031 |
Payments in Lieu of Taxes for Employee Property Taxes | SB 2325 |
Property Tax Collection and Tax Deeds | SB 2059 |
School General Fund Levies Replaced by Sales and Income Taxes | HB 1432 |
Southwest Water Authority Levy | SB 2222 |
Special Assessment Protest Exclusion of Tax-exempt Property | SB 2346 |
Special Assessment Protests in Counties | SB 2298 |
Special Assessments by Townships | SB 2328 |
Subsidized Housing Assessment Valuation | SB 2348 |
Tax Foreclosure Liens and Transfers to Other Subdivisions | SB 2286 |
Tax Lien Notice Information | SB 2062 |
Teacher-shortage District Property Tax Exemption | HB 1340 |
Township Airport Levies | SB 2233 |
Township Flood Protection Levy | HB 1136 |
Transmission Line Mileage Tax | HB 1265 |
Tuition Charges and Transportation Property Tax Levy | SB 2360 |
Wage Information From Economic Development Recipients | HB 1439 |
Wind Generator Property Tax Valuation | HB 1222 |