HB 1177 - Overview

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 37-01-01, 37-01-04, 37-01-09, 37-01-11, 37-01-12, 37-01-21, 37-01-26, 37-01-28, 37-01-30, 37-02-01, 37-02-02, 37-02-04, 37-03-05, 37-03-07, 37-03-11, 37-04-02, 37-04-07, 37-04-09, 37-07-01, 37-07-03, 37-07-04, 37-07-05, 37-07-06, 37-08-03, 37-08-04, 37-11-01, and 37-11-02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to requirements for membership in the military forces of the state; and to provide an effective date.

Current Status

Failed in House

Last Official Action

Second reading, failed to pass, yeas 001 nays 089

Legislative History

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