2003 Regular Session (58th Legislative Assembly)
Banks and Banking
Category | Bill |
Bank Dividends and Surplus Funds | SB 2129 |
Banking Interstate Branches and Reciprocity | SB 2267 |
Credit Card Program at Bank of North Dakota | HB 1475 |
Credit Report Copies From Financial Institution | HB 1286 |
Department of Finance Services Creation | HB 1413 |
Direct Deposit of Employee Wages | HB 1382 |
Escrow Account Annual Statements | HB 1355 |
Excess Deposit Insurance Coverage | HB 1374 |
Financial Institution Customer Privacy | HB 1038 |
Financing Statement Filing Duration | HB 1360 |
Identification of Customer of Financial Institution | SB 2191 |
License Fees for Consumer Finance and Others | SB 2128 |
Pre-need Funeral Contract Deposit Release | SB 2144 |
Privacy of Financial Information | HB 1478 |
Securities Definitions, Exemptions, Registration | SB 2084 |
Technology Occupations Student Loan Program Lenders | HB 1127 |
Trust Preferred Securities Transaction Guaranty | HB 1116 |