2003 Regular Session (58th Legislative Assembly)
Major Topics Index
Absent Voters Ballots - see Elections; Ballots
Adults - see Domestic Relations; Minors; Senior Citizens
Aids - see Health
Air Pollution - see Environmental Protection
Amendments by Century Code Number - see The Table of Sections
Amusements - see Sports and Amusements
Apartments - see Landlord and Tenant
Assessments - see Property Tax; Taxation
Athletic Trainers - see Occupations and Professions
Auditor - see County Auditor; State Auditor
Automobile Insurance - see Insurance
Automobiles - see Motor Vehicles
Banking Department - see Department of Banking and Financial
Barbers - see Occupations and Professions
Bars - see Alcohol; Retailers
Bed and Breakfast - see Hotels
Beverages - see Alcohol
Birds - see Animals
Blind School - see Vision Serv - School for the Blind
Bottineau Branch - see Minot State University - Bottineau
Boxing - see Sports and Amusements
Bridges - see Highways
Budgeting - see Governmental Finance
Buildings - see Construction; Capital Construction
Bureau of Criminal Investigation - see Attorney General
Buses - see Motor Vehicles; Schoolbuses; Transportation
Businesses - see Economic Development; Retailers
Campgrounds - see Parks and Tourism Department
Cars - see Motor Vehicles
Cattle - see Livestock
Central Personnel Division - see Office of Management and Budget
Century Code - see North Dakota Century Code
Children - see Minors
Civil Procedure - see Civil Actions
Civil Rights - see Human Rights
Claims - see Debtor and Creditor; Civil Actions
Coal Severance Tax - see Taxation
Coal Tax
Colleges - see Higher Education and the Specific Institutions
Commercial Code - see Uniform Commercial Code
Commercial Transactions - see Sales and Sale Contracts
Commissioner of Agriculture - see Agriculture Commissioner
Commissioner of Insurance - see Insurance Commissioner
Commissioner of Labor - see Labor Commissioner
Commissioner of University and School Lands - see Board of
Comparative Negligence - see Civil Actions
Condominiums - see Property
Conservation - see Environmental Protection
Constitutional Rights - see Human Rights
Controlled Substances - see Drugs
Cooperatives - see Corporations
Corrections and Rehabilitation, Dept of - see Dept of Corr.
Counselors - see Occupations and Professions
County Court - see Courts
County Register of Deeds - see Register of Deeds
County Social Service Board - see Dept of Human Serv or Soc Serv
Creations by Century Code Number - see The Table of Sections
Criminal Law - see Crimes
Criminal Procedure - see Crimes
Crop Liens - see Liens
Day Care - see Child Care
Deaf School - see School for the Deaf
Dental Examiners, Board of - see Board of Dental Examiners
Dental Hygienists - see Occupations and Professions
Department of Health - see State Department of Health
Department of Public Instruction - see Super Public Inst.
Dept of Economic Development and Finance - see Dept. Commerce
Detectives - see Private Investigative and Security Board
Developmentally Disabled - see Disabled Persons
Director of Institutions - see Office of Management and Budget
Discrimination - see Human Rights
District Judges - see District Court; Judges
Divorce - see Domestic Relations
Doctors - see Physicians and Surgeons
Drains - see Water
Driving While Intoxicated - see Drivers; Motor Vehicles
Dui - see Drivers; Motor Vehicles
Edible Bean Council - see Dry Bean Council
Electricians - see Occupations and Professions
Eminent Domain - see Property
Equal Rights - see Human Rights
Escrow - see Banks and Banking
Estates - see Probate; Trust Companies; Trusts
Fairs - see State Fair Association
Family Leave - see Labor and Employment
Farms and Farming - see Agriculture
Federal Government - see United States
Felonies - see Crimes
Fertilizer - see Hazardous Materials or Agriculture
Finance - see Appropriations; Bonds; Governmental Finance
Firearms - see Weapons
Fire Departments - see Fire Protection Districts
Forestry School - see Ndsu-bottineau
Garbage - see Solid Waste or Waste Management
Gas - see Oil and Gas
Gas Tax - see Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax
General Fund - see Appropriations
Geologists - see Occupations and Professions
Good Samaritan - see Emergency Treatment
Governmental Immunity - see Sovereign Immunity
Grafton - see Developmental Center at Grafton
Grain - see Agriculture
Gravel - see Minerals
Handicapped Persons - see Disabled Persons
Health Department - see State Department of Health
Health Insurance - see Insurance
Health Maintenance Organizations - see Insurance
Highway Department - see Department of Transportation
Historical Board - see Historical Society
Homeless - see Housing
Home Schooling - see Education
Homestead Tax Credit - see Property Tax
Horse Racing - see Sports and Amusements; Games of Chance
Human Services Department - see Department of Human Services
Industrial School - see Youth Correctional Center
Infractions - see Crimes; Penalties
Inheritance - see Probate
Institutions - see also Higher Education
Insurance Premium Tax - see Taxation
Interest - see Banks and Banking; Financial Institutions
Interim Studies - see Legislative Council
Intermediate Care Facilities - see Nursing Homes
Irrigation - see Water
Jamestown State Hospital - see State Hospital
Judicial Procedure - see Civil Actions
Judicial Remedies - see Civil Actions
Judicial Retirement - see Retirement; Judges
Judiciary - see Courts
Junior Colleges - see Higher Education
Jury - see Civil Actions; Courts
Juveniles - see Minors
Land - see Property
Land Department - see Board of University and School Lands
Landfills - see Solid Waste; Waste Management
Lawsuits - see Civil Actions
Leafy Spurge - see Agriculture; Weeds
Legal Notices - see Newspapers
Legislative Redistricting - see Redistricting
Life Insurance - see Insurance
Liquor - see Alcohol
Loans - see Banks and Banking; Debtor and Creditor
Marriage - see Domestic Relations
Mechanic's Liens - see Liens
Media - see Newspapers
Merchants - see Retailers
Mill Levies - see Taxation
Minimum Wage - see Labor and Employment
Misdemeanors - see Crimes
Model Laws - see Uniform Laws
Motels - see Hotels
Motorboats - see Boats
Motor Vehicle Insurance - see Insurance
Municipal Bond Bank - see Bonds
Municipal Court - see Courts
Municipalities - see Political Subdivisions; Cities
National Government - see United States
Native Americans - see Indian Affairs Commission; Indians
Negligence - see Civil Actions
No-fault Insurance - see Insurance
Noise - see Environmental Protection
Nonprofit Organization - see Charities; Corporations
North Dakota Administrative Code - see Administrative Rules
North Dakota State University - Carrington Research Ext.center
North Dakota State University Extension Service - see Exten. Serv.
North Dakota University System - see University System
North Dakota Veterans Home - see Veterans Home
Nuclear Waste - see Hazardous Materials
Nursing, Board of - see Board of Nursing
Office of Intergovernmental Assistance - see Div. of Comm. Serv.
Oil and Gas Division - see Industrial Commission
Old-age & Survivor Insurance System - see Social Security
Optometrists - see Occupations and Professions
Penal Institutions - see Jails; Penitentiary
Pensions - see Retirement
Personal Property - see Property
Petitions - see Elections
Petroleum - see Oil and Gas
Physical Therapists - see Occupations and Professions
Pistols - see Weapons
Plumbers - see Occupations and Professions
Police - see Peace Officers
Pollution - see Environmental Protection
Pornography - see Obscenity
Predators - see Animals; Game and Fish
Privatization - see State Government
Probation - see Parole and Probation
Products Liability - see Civil Actions
Professional Licensing - see Occupations and Professions
Property Insurance - see Insurance
Proposed Studies - see Legislative Council
Protection and Advocacy Committee - see Committee on Pro. and Adv.
Public Employees Retirement Board - see Public Emp Ret Syst
Public Finance - see Governmental Finance
Public Health - see Health
Public Instruction, Department of - see Supt. of Public Instr
Public Meetings - see Open Meetings
Public Officials - see Offices and Officers and Specific Titles
Public Records - see Open Records
Public School Education, Board of - see Board of Pub School Educ
Public Transportation - see Transportation
Raffles - see Games of Chance
Real Estate - see Property
Real Property - see Property
Recall - see Initiative, Recall, and Referral
Records - see Open Records
Referral - see Initiative, Recall, and Referral
Repeals by Century Code Number - see The Table of Sections
Revenue Bonds - see Bonds
Revenue Sharing - see State Aid; Political Subdivisions
Rights - see Human Rights
Roads - see Highways
Rules - see Administrative Rules
Rural Fire Protection District - see Fire Protection District
Search Warrants - see Crimes; Courts
Sentencing - see Courts; Crimes
Small Claims Court - see Courts
Smoking - see Tobacco
Soybean Council - see Agriculture
Special Fuels Tax - see Taxation
Stalking - see Crimes
State - see D Department -
State Bar Association - see Attorneys
State Board of Pharmacy - see Pharmacists
State Electrical Board - see Electricians
State Employees Retirement - see Public Employees Retirement
State Health Council - see Health Council
State Historical Board - see Historical Society
State Historical Society - see Historical Society
State Industrial School - see Youth Correctional Center
State Institutions - see Institutions and the Specific Names of
State Officers - see Offices and Officers
State Potato Council - see Potato Council
State School of Science - see Nd State College of Science
State Tax Commissioner - see Tax Commissioner
State Water Commission - see Water Commission
State Wheat Commission - see Wheat Commission
Statutes - see North Dakota Century Code
Subdivisions - see Political Subdivisions
Succession and Wills - see Probate
Technical Corrections Act - see North Dakota Century Code
Telephones - see Telecommunications
Television - see Telecommunications
Tenants - see Landlord and Tenant
Torts - see Civil Actions
Toxicologist - see State Toxicologist
Transportation, Department of - see Department of Transportation
Treasurer - see County Treasurer; State Treasurer
Trucks - see Motor Vehicles
Trust Companies - see Financial Institutions
University of North Dakota-lake Region - see Lake Region St. Coll.
Use Tax - see Sales Tax; Taxation
Utilities - see Public Utilities
Waste Management - see Solid Waste
Welders - see Occupations and Professions
Welfare - see Social Services; Department of Human Services
Wetlands - see Water
Wills - see Probate