SB 2327 - Overview

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal

Introduced by Sen. Schobinger, Sen. Grindberg, Sen. Syverson, Sen. Tollefson, Rep. Iverson, Rep. Ruby


A BILL for an Act to create and enact section 57-01-19 and chapters 57-64, 57-65, 57-66, 57-67, and 57-68 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to tax liens and imposition of sales and use taxes and gross receipts taxes; to amend and reenact subsection 5 of section 5-01-16, subsection 3 of section 5-01-17, subsection 1 of section 6-09.8-01, section 10-33-93, subsection 2 of section 11-09.1-05, subsection 5 of section 11-37-08, subsection 1 of section 12.1-32-09, section 20.1-13-21, subsection 3 of section 25-04-16, sections 27-17-06 and 37-27-06, subsection 16 of section 40-05.1-06, sections 40-57.3-01 and 40-57.3-04, subsection 8 of section 40-63-01, sections 40-63-04, 40-63-06, 40-63-07, and 47-21-08.1, subsection 1 of section 50-06.3-06, section 51-04-08, subsection 2 of section 52-06-30, sections 54-09-09, 54-17.2-23, and 57-01-13, subsections 15 and 27 of section 57-02-08, sections 57-32-01.1 and 57-34-04.5, subsection 2 of section 57-35.3-01, sections 57-35.3-02, 57-35.3-06, 57-35.3-11, and 57-35.3-12, subsection 1 of section 57-35.3-13, subsection 14 of section 57-35.3-15, subsection 5 of section 57-40.3-01, section 57-40.3-02, subsection 6 of section 57-40.3-04, sections 57-40.3-11 and 57-40.5-03, subsection 3 of section 57-63-10, and section 65-04-26 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to revisions to references to state sales and use taxes and state individual and corporate income taxes; to repeal chapter 10-30.1, sections 10-33-124 and 40-63-09, chapters 52-02.1, 57-38, 57-38.1, 57-38.3, 57-38.4, 57-38.5, 57-38.6, 57-39.2, 57-39.3, 57-39.5, 57-39.6, and 57-40.2, and section 57-59-02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to elimination of state individual and corporate income taxes and penalties; and to provide a contingent effective date.

Current Status

Failed in Senate

Last Official Action

Second reading, failed to pass, yeas 010 nays 035

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