SB 2030 - Overview

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal

Introduced by


A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 15.1-09, chapter 15.1-09.1, and a new section to chapter 15.1-13 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to authorization for prekindergarten programs, regional education associations, and student teaching requirements; to amend and reenact sections 12.1-06-05, 15.1-02-08, 15.1-07-23, 15.1-09-33, 15.1-32-08, and 15.1-33-02 of the North Dakota Century Code and section 28 of chapter 167 of the 2005 Session Laws, relating to the renouncement of criminal intent, accounting procedures, school district business managers, and contingent distributions of per student payments; to Code, relating to criteria for and expenditures by educational associations governed by joint powers agreements and the no child left behind statutory committee; to provide for legislative council studies; to provide for a report to the legislative council; to provide an effective date; and to declare an emergency.

Current Status

Governor signed

Last Official Action

Filed with Secretary of State

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