2007 Regular Session (60th Legislative Assembly)
United States
Category | Bill |
Congress Urged to Address Missouri River Sediment Problems | SCR 4016 |
Congress Urged to Exempt Peace Garden Passport Requirements | SCR 4026 |
Congress Urged to Pass Agricultural Disaster Relief Package | HCR 3005 |
Congress Urged to Poll Prod Before Change Beef Checkoff Rate | HCR 3007 |
Congress Urged to Reauthorize Children's Health Ins Program | SCR 4019 |
Conservation Security Program Full Funding Urged | SCR 4015 |
Con to Decouple Fed Mineral Royalty Rev Payments for Pilt | HCR 3037 |
Con Urged Not to Allow Canadian Cattle Over 30 Months Old | HCR 3033 |
Con Urged to Implement Country of Origin Label for Meat | HCR 3010 |
Energy Development on Outer Continental Shelf Urged | SCR 4001 |
Federal Agent Arrests for State Law Violation | SB 2378 |
Federal Health & Pharmacy Coverage for Veterans Homes Urged | SCR 4006 |
Governor Negotiation Regarding Federal & Tribal Water Rights | HB 1025 |
Indian Land Eligibility for State Financial Assist Programs | HB 1207 |
Iraq Peace and Disengagement Urged | SCR 4022 |
Leg Council Public Housing Authority Tax Exemption Study | SCR 4013 |
Minimum Wage Contingent Increase | SB 2370 |
Navy Urged to Name Ship Uss North Dakota | SCR 4039 |
Presidential Election by National Popular Vote | HB 1336 |
Real Id Act of 2005 Repeal Urged | SCR 4040 |
Shoreline Fishing Access Urged From Corp of Engineers | SCR 4037 |