Category | Bill |
Alcohol or Drug Use Injury Insurance Coverage | HB 1204 |
Board of Pharmacy Membership & Conn to Pharmaceutical Assoc | SB 2039 |
Congress Provide Affordable Prescription Drugs | SCR 4023 |
Controlled Substances Schedules | HB 1105 |
Delivery or Possession of Unscheduled Drug Penalty | HB 1535 |
Detention of a Child in Juvenile Court Drug Program | SB 2159 |
Drug Test Reports for Transportation Employees | HB 1242 |
Internet Prescription of Controlled Substances | SB 2218 |
Legislative Council Generic Drug Use Study | HCR 3012 |
Medical Psychologists Prescriptions & Medical Advice | HB 1488 |
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Insurance Parity | SB 2280 |
Mental Illness or Chemical Dependency Treatment Evaluation | SB 2098 |
Optometrists Dispensing Pharmaceutical Agents | SB 2164 |
Pharmacy Operation Requirements | HB 1440 |
Pharmacy Ownership by Hospitals | HB 1523 |
Prescription by Dental Hygienist or Assistant | HB 1091 |
Prescriptive Authority of Physician Assistants | SB 2180 |
Prior Authorization Program | HB 1385 |
Urine Testing Fraudulent Practices | HB 1244 |