HB 1335 - Overview

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal

Introduced by Rep. Keiser, Sen. Armstrong


AN ACT to create and enact sections 10-15-53.1, 10-15-53.2, 10-15-53.3, 10-19.1-146.1, 10-33-141.3, and 45-10.2-108.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the annual report of a cooperative, involuntary dissolution of a cooperative or revocation of certificate of authority of a foreign cooperative, the reinstatement of a cooperative or foreign cooperative following involuntary dissolution or revocation of certificate of authority, amendment of articles by a nonprofit corporation, involuntary dissolution of a nonprofit corporation or revocation of certificate of authority of a foreign nonprofit corporation, and involuntary dissolution of a limited partnership or revocation of certificate of authority for a foreign limited partnership; to amend and reenact section 10-01.1-11, subsections 9 and 10 of section 10-06.1-17, subsection 5 of section 10-15-08.1, subsection 2 of section 10-15-52.7, sections 10-15-53, 10-15-54, and 10-19.1-17, subsection 4 of section 10-19.1-148, section 10-33-14, subsection 4 of section 10-33-141, subsection 7 of section 10-34-04, subsection 7 of section 45-10.2-24, subsection 1 of section 45-10.2-25, section 45-11-05.1, subsection 4 of section 45-22-03, section 45-22-16, subsection 15 of section 45-23-08 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the resignation of registered agent, contents of an annual report of a farm corporation or limited liability company, a cooperative filing documents with the secretary of state, fees paid by cooperatives, amendment of articles by a business corporation, amendment of articles by a nonprofit corporation, real estate investment trusts, an address change of a limited partnership, the signature requirements on documents filed with the secretary of state by a limited partnership, the fictitious name certificate, an address change of a limited liability partnership, revocation of the registration of a limited liability partnership or foreign limited liability partnership, and the fee to file the registration of a foreign limited liability limited partnership; and to repeal sections 10-15-36, 10-19.1-141, 10-33-134, and 45-10.2-87 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the annual report of a cooperative, revocation of the certificate of authority of a foreign corporation, revocation of the certificate of authority of a foreign nonprofit corporation, and revocation of the certificate of authority of a foreign limited partnership.

Current Status

Governor signed

Last Official Action

Filed with Secretary Of State 03/12

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