Sponsor Inquiry - House Appropriations

Sponsor Inquiry

Committee Information
64th Legislative Assembly (2015-17)

Bills Introduced by House Appropriations Total Bills Introduced:   29

Primary Sponsor

HB 1003

  • AN ACT to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the North Dakota university system; to create and enact five new sections to chapter 15-10, chapters 15-62.4 and 15-62.5, and a new subsection to a new section to chapter 54-10 as created in section 5 of Senate Bill No. 2004, as approved by the sixty-fourth legislative assembly, of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to a unified workforce, vocational, and technical education program system, the workforce education advisory council, the required use of electronic mail, file server administration, database administration, application server, and hosting services, audits of higher education computer systems, annual reports regarding scholarships, the student financial assistance program, the scholars program, and higher education audits; to amend and reenact subdivision c of subsection 1 of section 15-10-17, sections 15-18.2-02, 15-18.2-03, 15-18.2-04, 15-18.2-05, 54-12-08, and 54-44.1-04, subsection 4 of section 54-44.1-06, and section 54-44.1-11 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to university system office personnel, state aid to institutions, attorneys hired by the state board of higher education, budget requests submitted to the office of the budget, preparation of budget data, and the cancellation of unexpended appropriations; to repeal chapter 15-62.2 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the student financial assistance program and the scholars program; to provide for the transfer of funds; to authorize the state board of higher education to issue and sell bonds for capital projects; to limit tuition rate increases; to reauthorize projects for North Dakota state university and Minot state university; to provide for budget section reports; to provide for reports to the sixty-fifth legislative assembly; to provide for legislative management reports and studies; to provide an appropriation to the attorney general; to provide contingent appropriations to the state board of higher education; to provide exemptions; to provide legislative intent; and to declare an emergency.

    Last Official Action
    Filed with Secretary Of State 05/14

    Cosponsored Bills
    No other bills found for committee.