HB 1345 - Video

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/20 09:00 AM 12 House Agriculture Call to Order
01/20 09:00 AM 12 House Agriculture HB 1345
01/20 09:00 AM 12 House Agriculture Representative Satrom Introduces Bill
01/20 09:16 AM 12 House Agriculture Sherry Neas - OMB Central Services Director - In Opposition
01/20 09:22 AM 12 House Agriculture Andrea Fettig - Director of Government Affairs Greater ND Chamber - In Opposition
01/20 09:25 AM 12 House Agriculture Tag Anderson - Director of Risk Management OMB - In Opposition
01/20 09:37 AM 12 House Agriculture Hearing Closed on HB 1345
02/09 10:19 AM 26 House Agriculture HB1345
02/09 10:23 AM 26 House Agriculture Representative Tveit Moves a Do Pass
02/09 10:23 AM 26 House Agriculture Representative VanWinkle Seconds
02/09 10:27 AM 26 House Agriculture Roll Call 2-11-0 Motion fails
02/09 10:28 AM 26 House Agriculture Representative Prichard Moves to Amend-reword page 1 lines 9 and 10
02/09 10:30 AM 26 House Agriculture Representative VanWinkle seconds
02/09 10:30 AM 26 House Agriculture Discussion
02/09 10:41 AM 26 House Agriculture Representative Prichard withdrew motion
02/09 10:41 AM 26 House Agriculture Representative VanWinkle withdrew second
02/09 10:41 AM 26 House Agriculture Representative Prichard moves to amend- use 100,000 dollar amount-remove wording about existing contracts
02/09 10:42 AM 26 House Agriculture Representative VanWinkle seconds
02/09 10:43 AM 26 House Agriculture Discussion
02/09 10:51 AM 26 House Agriculture Roll Call 7-6-0 Motion carries
02/09 10:52 AM 26 House Agriculture Discussion
02/09 10:54 AM 26 House Agriculture Adjourned
02/10 02:24 PM 27 House Agriculture HB1345
02/10 02:24 PM 27 House Agriculture Discussion
02/10 02:26 PM 27 House Agriculture Representative Prichard Moves to Further Amend-include the state may give priority to companies that support the states agriculture and energy industries
02/10 02:26 PM 27 House Agriculture Representative Henderson Seconds
02/10 02:27 PM 27 House Agriculture Discussion
02/10 02:29 PM 27 House Agriculture Roll Call 13-0-0 Motion carries
02/10 02:29 PM 27 House Agriculture Representative VanWinkle moves a Do Pass as Amended
02/10 02:29 PM 27 House Agriculture Representative Prichard Seconds
02/10 02:30 PM 27 House Agriculture Roll Call 13-0-0 Motion carries
02/10 02:31 PM 27 House Agriculture Adjourned
02/20 04:18 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1345 - Agriculture - Do Pass 23.0453.03000
02/20 04:19 PM 33 House Representative Tveit 23.0453.03000
02/20 04:23 PM 33 House Representative Boschee 23.0453.03000
02/20 04:24 PM 33 House Representative Mitskog 23.0453.03000
02/20 04:27 PM 33 House Representative Thomas 23.0453.03000
02/20 04:29 PM 33 House Representative Schneider 23.0453.03000
02/20 04:30 PM 33 House Representative Tveit 23.0453.03000
02/20 04:31 PM 33 House Representative Satrom 23.0453.03000
02/20 04:32 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1345 - Agriculture - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 85 Nay 8 N/V 1 Exc 0 23.0453.03000
03/16 09:47 AM 45 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs HB 1345 - hearing opened [no video available until 1046 AM]
03/16 09:47 AM 45 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Representative Satrom - Introduced the bill
03/16 09:57 AM 45 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Sherry Neas - Director - Central Services Division - OMB - Testified in Opposition
03/16 10:14 AM 45 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Senator Luick - Closed the public hearing
03/24 02:28 PM 51 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Committee Work - HB 1345
03/24 02:29 PM 51 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Senator Myrdal - Moved a Do Not Pass
03/24 02:29 PM 51 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Senator Hogan - Seconded the motion
03/24 02:30 PM 51 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Roll call vote on Do Not Pass - Motion Passes - 5-1-0
03/24 02:30 PM 51 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Senator Myrdal will carry the bill
03/30 05:30 PM 55 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1345 - Agriculture and Veterans Affairs - Do Not Pass 23.0453.03000
03/30 05:30 PM 55 Senate Senator Myrdal 23.0453.03000
03/30 05:31 PM 55 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1345 - Agriculture and Veterans Affairs - Do Not Pass - Votes Required 24: FAILED - Yea 12 Nay 34 N/V 1 Exc 0 23.0453.03000