HB 1360 - Video

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/25 10:34 AM 15 House Judiciary HB 1360
01/25 10:34 AM 15 House Judiciary Susan Dollinger - Director - NDUP - Support
01/25 10:52 AM 15 House Judiciary Rick Clayburgh - Bank of ND Association - Proposed amendment on HB 1360 -23.0807.02000
01/25 10:57 AM 15 House Judiciary Close Hearing on HB 1360
01/25 03:38 PM 15 House Judiciary Committee Work on HB 1360
01/25 03:44 PM 15 House Judiciary Representative Vetter moved to Amend HB 1360 - Proposed Amendment attached
01/25 03:45 PM 15 House Judiciary Representative Roers Jones
01/25 03:45 PM 15 House Judiciary Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passes - 13-0-0
01/25 03:46 PM 15 House Judiciary Representative Karls Moved to DO PASS as Amended HB 1360
01/25 03:46 PM 15 House Judiciary Representative Roers Jones Second
01/25 03:47 PM 15 House Judiciary Roll Call Vote on Do Pass As Amended - Motion Passes - 13-0-0
01/31 01:09 PM 19 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1360 - Judiciary - Do Pass 23.0807.03000
01/31 01:10 PM 19 House Representative Olson, S. 23.0807.03000
01/31 01:11 PM 19 House Representative Klemin 23.0807.03000
01/31 01:12 PM 19 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1360 - Judiciary - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 93 Nay 0 N/V 1 Exc 0 23.0807.03000
03/29 09:59 AM 54 Senate Judiciary HB 1360 - hearing opened
03/29 10:00 AM 54 Senate Judiciary Susan Dollinger - Director - Unclaimed Property Division - ND Department of Trust Lands
03/29 10:15 AM 54 Senate Judiciary Closed public hearing
03/29 10:15 AM 54 Senate Judiciary Senator Luick moved DO PASS
03/29 10:15 AM 54 Senate Judiciary Senator Estenson seconded the motion
03/29 10:15 AM 54 Senate Judiciary Roll call vote - motion passed - 6-0-1
03/31 01:37 PM 56 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1360 - Judiciary - Do Pass 23.0807.03000
03/31 01:37 PM 56 Senate Senator Luick 23.0807.03000
03/31 01:39 PM 56 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1360 - Judiciary - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 44 Nay 0 N/V 3 Exc 0 23.0807.03000