HB 1450 - Video

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
02/08 10:08 AM 25 House Judiciary HB 1450
02/08 10:08 AM 25 House Judiciary Open Hearing on HB 1450
02/08 10:08 AM 25 House Judiciary Representative Roers Jones - Introduction to HB 1450
02/08 10:09 AM 25 House Judiciary Christopher Dodson - North Dakota Catholic Conference - Executive Director -Support
02/08 10:14 AM 25 House Judiciary Close Hearing on HB 1450
02/13 09:42 AM 28 House Judiciary Discussion on HB 1450
02/13 09:44 AM 28 House Judiciary Representative Christensen motion to DO PASS on HB 1450
02/13 09:44 AM 28 House Judiciary Representative Vetter Second
02/13 09:45 AM 28 House Judiciary Representative Christensen withdraws motion
02/13 09:45 AM 28 House Judiciary Representative Vetter withdraws his second
02/13 09:46 AM 28 House Judiciary Roll Call Vote - Motion Carries Y 13 N 0
02/13 09:47 AM 28 House Judiciary Representative Christensen move to DO PASS as Amended
02/13 09:47 AM 28 House Judiciary Representative Christensen motion to Amend
02/13 09:47 AM 28 House Judiciary Representative Vetter Second
02/13 09:47 AM 28 House Judiciary Representative Vetter Second
02/13 09:47 AM 28 House Judiciary Roll Call Vote - Motion Carries Y 13 N 0 Representative Schneider carrier
02/13 09:48 AM 28 House Judiciary Role Call Vote - Motion Carries Y 13 N 0
02/13 04:27 PM 28 House Judiciary Representative Satrom moves to reconsider amendment to HB 1450
02/13 04:27 PM 28 House Judiciary Representative Karls Second
02/13 04:28 PM 28 House Judiciary Voice vote Motion carries
02/13 04:29 PM 28 House Judiciary Representative VanWinkle moves to unamend the amendment to HB 1450
02/13 04:29 PM 28 House Judiciary Roll Call vote - Passed Y 13 N 0
02/13 04:30 PM 28 House Judiciary Representative Henderson Second
02/13 04:30 PM 28 House Judiciary Representative Vetter moves a DO PASS HB 1450
02/13 04:30 PM 28 House Judiciary Representative Christensen Second
02/13 04:31 PM 28 House Judiciary Role Call vote - Y 13 N 0
02/14 06:32 PM 29 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1450 - Judiciary - Do Pass 23.0959.01000
02/14 06:33 PM 29 House Representative Schneider 23.0959.01000
02/14 06:34 PM 29 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1450 - Judiciary - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 91 Nay 0 N/V 3 Exc 0 23.0959.01000
03/08 10:31 AM 39 Senate Industry and Business HB 1450
03/08 10:31 AM 39 Senate Industry and Business Representative Roers Jones-Introduced the bill in favor verbally
03/08 10:32 AM 39 Senate Industry and Business Christopher Dodson - Executive Director, North Dakota Catholic Conference in favor #22734
03/08 10:37 AM 39 Senate Industry and Business Mark Jorritsma - Executive Director - North Dakota Family Alliance Legislative Action in favor #22828
03/08 10:43 AM 39 Senate Industry and Business Hearing adjourned
03/08 10:43 AM 39 Senate Industry and Business Senator Barta moved Do Pass
03/08 10:43 AM 39 Senate Industry and Business Senator Kessel seconded
03/08 10:45 AM 39 Senate Industry and Business Roll Call Vote - Motion Passed 5-0-0
03/08 10:45 AM 39 Senate Industry and Business Recess
03/09 01:21 PM 40 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1450 - Industry and Business - Do Pass 23.0959.01000
03/09 01:21 PM 40 Senate Senator Barta 23.0959.01000
03/09 01:25 PM 40 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1450 - Industry and Business - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 46 Nay 0 N/V 1 Exc 0 23.0959.01000