SB 2135 - Video

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/11 09:47 AM 5 Senate Human Services SB 2135
01/11 09:47 AM 5 Senate Human Services Senator Lee introduced the bill orally
01/11 09:49 AM 5 Senate Human Services Lisa Feldner - Lobbyist for the ND Dental Association provided testimony orally
01/11 09:51 AM 5 Senate Human Services Dr Aaron Johnson - Dentist - The Smile Center provided testimony in favor #12792
01/11 09:53 AM 5 Senate Human Services Dr Bradley King - Dentist - Prairie Rose Family Dentists - provided testimony in favor #12889
01/11 10:04 AM 5 Senate Human Services Megan Houn - Vice President of Public Policy and Government Affair - North Dakota Blue Cross Blue Shield (NDBCBS) - provided testimony in opposition orally
01/11 10:08 AM 5 Senate Human Services Owen Urech - National Association of Dental Plans provided testimony in neutral #12835
01/11 10:08 AM 5 Senate Human Services Owen Urech - provided an amendment #12834
01/11 10:10 AM 5 Senate Human Services Scott Miller - Executive Director - North Dakota Public Employees Retirement System provided testimony in Neutral #12781
01/11 10:10 AM 5 Senate Human Services Scott Miller additional information #12892
01/11 10:12 AM 5 Senate Human Services John Godfread - ND Insurance Commissioner provided information orally
01/11 10:13 AM 5 Senate Human Services Hearing Closed
01/11 10:15 AM 5 Senate Human Services Recess
01/16 02:34 PM 8 Senate Human Services Committee Work - SB 2135
01/16 02:34 PM 8 Senate Human Services Madam Chair Lee handed out an email from Dr. Brad King - Dentist #13658
01/16 02:35 PM 8 Senate Human Services William Sherwin - Executive Director North Dakota Dental Association provided information #13655
01/16 02:35 PM 8 Senate Human Services William Sherwin additional information #13656
01/16 02:35 PM 8 Senate Human Services William Sherwin additional information #13657
01/23 03:27 PM 13 Senate Human Services Committee Work - SB 2135
01/24 03:33 PM 14 Senate Human Services Committee Work - SB 2135
01/24 03:37 PM 14 Senate Human Services Megan Houn proposed amendment handed out by Senator Lee #16484
01/24 03:37 PM 14 Senate Human Services Megan Houn additional amendment #16482
01/24 03:37 PM 14 Senate Human Services Megan Houn additional information #16483
01/25 02:51 PM 15 Senate Human Services Committee Work - SB 2135
01/25 02:52 PM 15 Senate Human Services Levi Andrist - GA Group PC - American Council of Life Insurers submitted Testimony from Owen Urech #12835
01/25 02:52 PM 15 Senate Human Services Levi Andrist - proposed amendment from Owen Urech #12834
01/25 03:01 PM 15 Senate Human Services Megan Houn - Vice President of Public Policy and Government Affairs - ND Blue Cross Blue Shield provided information
01/25 03:05 PM 15 Senate Human Services William Sherwin - President - North Dakota Dental Association - provided information #16865
01/25 03:05 PM 15 Senate Human Services William Sherwin - Additional Information #16866
01/25 03:05 PM 15 Senate Human Services William Sherwin - Additional Information #16867
01/25 03:20 PM 15 Senate Human Services Senator K. Roers moved DO NOT PASS
01/25 03:20 PM 15 Senate Human Services Dies for lack of a second
01/25 03:27 PM 15 Senate Human Services William Sherwin provided additional information
01/25 03:29 PM 15 Senate Human Services Chrystal Bartuska - Life Health and Medicare Division Director - ND Insurance Department provided information verbally
01/25 03:39 PM 15 Senate Human Services William Sherwin provided additional information verbally
01/25 03:44 PM 15 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan moved DO PASS
01/25 03:44 PM 15 Senate Human Services Senator Cleary seconded
01/25 03:45 PM 15 Senate Human Services Roll Call Vote on Do Pass - Motion passes - 5-1-0
01/27 12:45 PM 17 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2135 - Human Services - Do Pass 23.0558.01000
01/27 12:46 PM 17 Senate Senator Weston 23.0558.01000
01/27 12:46 PM 17 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2135 - Human Services - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 44 Nay 1 N/V 2 Exc 0 23.0558.01000
03/29 09:00 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor SB 2135
03/29 09:03 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Roll Call
03/29 09:04 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor William Sherwin-Executive Director-ND Dental Association-In Favor
03/29 09:04 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Additional Testimony
03/29 09:04 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Additional Testimony
03/29 09:04 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Additional Testimony
03/29 09:04 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Additional Testimony
03/29 09:04 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Additional Testimony
03/29 09:05 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Senator Lee Introduces Bill
03/29 09:07 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Aaron Johnson-Owner-The Smile Center-In Favor
03/29 09:17 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor William Sherwin-Executive Director-ND Dental Association-In Favor
03/29 09:57 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Close Hearing
03/29 09:58 AM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Recess
03/29 04:19 PM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Committee Work SB 2135
03/29 04:19 PM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Discussion
03/29 04:20 PM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Kasper Moves a Do Pass
03/29 04:20 PM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative B. Koppelman Seconds
03/29 04:22 PM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor William Sherwin-Executive Director-ND Dental Association
03/29 04:28 PM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Roll Call 12-1-1 Motion Carries
03/29 04:28 PM 54 House Industry, Business and Labor Adjourned
03/31 01:16 PM 56 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2135 - Industry, Business and Labor - Do Pass 23.0558.01000
03/31 01:16 PM 56 House Representative Kasper 23.0558.01000
03/31 01:19 PM 56 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2135 - Industry, Business and Labor - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 88 Nay 0 N/V 6 Exc 0 23.0558.01000