SB 2206 - Video

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/24 10:30 AM 14 Senate Industry and Business SB 2206
01/24 10:31 AM 14 Senate Industry and Business Senator Piepkorn introduced SB 2206 and testified in favor
01/24 10:36 AM 14 Senate Industry and Business Dave Halverson -- Licensed Life Insurance Agent -- Testified in Favor #16375
01/24 10:58 AM 14 Senate Industry and Business Chrystal Bartuska -- Life And Health Division Director -- North Dakota Insurance Department -- Testified Neutral
01/24 11:13 AM 14 Senate Industry and Business Dave Halverson -- clarified
01/24 11:16 AM 14 Senate Industry and Business Closed the Hearing
01/24 03:35 PM 14 Senate Industry and Business Committee Work -- SB 2206
01/24 03:52 PM 14 Senate Industry and Business Closed the committee work
01/31 09:33 AM 19 Senate Industry and Business Committee Work -- SB 2206
01/31 09:38 AM 19 Senate Industry and Business Senator Barta moved DO PASS SB 2206
01/31 09:38 AM 19 Senate Industry and Business Senator Boehm seconded DO PASS SB 2206
01/31 09:39 AM 19 Senate Industry and Business Roll Call Vote -- DO PASS SB 2206 -- Motion Passes - 5-0-0 -- Senator Barta will carry
02/02 02:06 PM 21 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2206 - Industry and Business - Do Pass 23.0872.01000
02/02 02:06 PM 21 Senate Senator Barta 23.0872.01000
02/02 02:08 PM 21 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2206 - Industry and Business - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 47 Nay 0 N/V 0 Exc 0 23.0872.01000
03/28 09:27 AM 53 House Industry, Business and Labor SB 2206
03/28 09:27 AM 53 House Industry, Business and Labor Senator Piepkorn Introduces Bill
03/28 09:35 AM 53 House Industry, Business and Labor Patty Monilaws-Advisor-Life Insurance and Financial Services-Absaraka,ND-In Favor
03/28 09:50 AM 53 House Industry, Business and Labor Rick Clauyburgh-President-ND Bankers Association-In Opposition
03/28 10:09 AM 53 House Industry, Business and Labor Barry Haugen-President-Independent Community Bankers of ND-In Opposition
03/28 10:12 AM 53 House Industry, Business and Labor Kirby Evanger-Chief Credit Officer-Bank of ND-In Opposition
03/28 10:22 AM 53 House Industry, Business and Labor Close Hearing
04/04 10:20 AM 58 House Industry, Business and Labor Committee Work - SB 2206
04/04 10:20 AM 58 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Louser - Proposed Amendments - 23 0872 01002
04/04 10:22 AM 58 House Industry, Business and Labor Discussion
04/04 10:39 AM 58 House Industry, Business and Labor Adjourned
04/11 10:04 AM 63 House Industry, Business and Labor Committee Work: SB 2206
04/11 10:04 AM 63 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Ostlie Discusses Bill
04/11 10:12 AM 63 House Industry, Business and Labor Close Hearing
04/11 03:30 PM 63 House Industry, Business and Labor Committee Work: SB 2206
04/11 03:48 PM 63 House Industry, Business and Labor Roll Call
04/11 03:48 PM 63 House Industry, Business and Labor Discussion
04/11 04:35 PM 63 House Industry, Business and Labor Rick Clayburgh-President-ND Bankers Association
04/11 04:42 PM 63 House Industry, Business and Labor Adjourned
04/12 09:37 AM 64 House Industry, Business and Labor Committee Work: SB 2206
04/12 09:37 AM 64 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Ostlie Discusses Bill
04/12 09:58 AM 64 House Industry, Business and Labor Adjourned
04/12 10:30 AM 64 House Industry, Business and Labor Committee Work: SB 2206
04/12 10:40 AM 64 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Louser Called Hearing Back to Order
04/12 10:40 AM 64 House Industry, Business and Labor Discussion
04/12 10:58 AM 64 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Ostlie Moves a Motion to Amend .01 Version
04/12 11:06 AM 64 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Boschee Seconds
04/12 11:11 AM 64 House Industry, Business and Labor Roll call 10-1-3 Motion Carries
04/12 11:11 AM 64 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Boschee Moves a Do Pass as Amended
04/12 11:11 AM 64 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Thomas Seconds
04/12 11:13 AM 64 House Industry, Business and Labor Roll Call 10-1-3 Motion Carries
04/13 12:47 PM 65 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2206 - Industry, Business and Labor - Do Pass 23.0872.02000
04/13 12:48 PM 65 House Representative Ostlie 23.0872.02000
04/13 12:51 PM 65 House Representative Klemin 23.0872.02000
04/17 10:00 AM 66 House Industry, Business and Labor SB 2206
04/17 10:02 AM 66 House Industry, Business and Labor Roll Call
04/17 10:03 AM 66 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative B. Koppelman Moves to Bring Bill Back for Correction
04/17 10:03 AM 66 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Boschee Seconds
04/17 10:03 AM 66 House Industry, Business and Labor Voice Vote Carries
04/17 10:04 AM 66 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Kasper Moves to Amend
04/17 10:05 AM 66 House Industry, Business and Labor Roll Call 13-1-0 Motion Carries
04/17 10:06 AM 66 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Kasper Moves Do Pass as Amended
04/17 10:06 AM 66 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Thomas Seconds
04/17 10:06 AM 66 House Industry, Business and Labor Roll Call 13-1-0 Motion Carries
04/20 08:14 PM 68 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2206 - Industry, Business and Labor - Do Pass 23.0872.03000
04/20 08:14 PM 68 House Representative Ostlie 23.0872.03000
04/20 08:17 PM 68 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2206 - Industry, Business and Labor - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 90 Nay 2 N/V 2 Exc 0 23.0872.03000
04/24 12:37 PM 70 Senate 12th Order - Consideration of Message from House - SB2206 - Industry and Business - Concur In 23.0872.01000
23.0872.01004 A
23.0872.01004 M
23.0872.03000 E
04/24 12:37 PM 70 Senate Senator Barta 23.0872.01000
23.0872.01004 A
23.0872.01004 M
23.0872.03000 E
04/24 12:39 PM 70 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2206 - Industry and Business - Concur In 23.0872.03000
04/24 12:39 PM 70 Senate Senator Barta 23.0872.03000
04/24 12:40 PM 70 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2206 - Industry and Business - Concur In - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 46 Nay 0 N/V 1 Exc 0 23.0872.03000