SB 2312 - Video

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
02/02 09:01 AM 21 Senate State and Local Government SB 2312
02/02 09:01 AM 21 Senate State and Local Government Senator Magrum - District 8 - Introduced the bill - #19002
02/02 09:17 AM 21 Senate State and Local Government Representative Hoverson - District 3 - In Favor
02/02 09:27 AM 21 Senate State and Local Government Shane Goettle - Better Future Alliance - Opposed- #18768
02/02 09:43 AM 21 Senate State and Local Government Lee Ann Oliver - Elections Division - Secretary of States Office - Neutral - #18762
02/02 09:49 AM 21 Senate State and Local Government Hearing Closed
02/09 10:42 AM 26 Senate State and Local Government Committee Work 2312
02/09 10:44 AM 26 Senate State and Local Government Senator Cleary Moves Do Not Pass
02/09 10:44 AM 26 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee seconded
02/09 10:46 AM 26 Senate State and Local Government Roll Call Voted 6-0 Motion carries
02/09 10:47 AM 26 Senate State and Local Government Senator K. Roers will carry the bill
02/10 03:00 PM 27 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2312 - State and Local Government - Do Not Pass 23.0731.01000
02/10 03:01 PM 27 Senate Senator K. Roers 23.0731.01000
02/10 03:01 PM 27 Senate Senator Magrum 23.0731.01000
02/10 03:03 PM 27 Senate Senator Braunberger 23.0731.01000
02/10 03:04 PM 27 Senate Senator Vedaa 23.0731.01000
02/10 03:05 PM 27 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2312 - State and Local Government - Do Not Pass - Votes Required 24: FAILED - Yea 19 Nay 25 N/V 3 Exc 0 23.0731.01000