HB 1520 - Hearings

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
  • Testimony may be submitted for a future hearing that is scheduled for this bill. Please note that testimony can only be submitted up to an hour prior to the scheduled start time of the hearing. To submit testimony, find the hearing you would like to submit testimony for and click on the "Submit Testimony" link.
    Date Time Hearing Type Committee Room Description
    02/04 9:00 AM Bill Hearing House Finance and Taxation 327E A BILL for an Act to authorize the department of health and human services to transfer real property to the office of the adjutant general to construct a new training and storage facility; and to declare an emergency.
    02/20 11:15 AM Bill Hearing Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Fort Union A bill for an Act to authorize the department of health and human services to transfer real property to the office of the adjutant general to construct a new training and storage facility; and to declare an emergency.