HB 1126 - Overview

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal

Introduced by House Industry, Business and Labor


A BILL for an Act to create and enact eleven new sections to chapter 43-11 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to salon and school inspections, nursing home and assisted living facility salons, military and military spouse reciprocity licensure, advanced esthetician licensing and late renewals for establishments and schools; to amend and reenact sections 43-11-01, 43-11-02, 43-11-03, 43-11-04, 43-11-05, 43-11-06, 43-11-08, 43-11-10, 43-11-11, 43-11-13, 43-11-14, 43-11-15, 43-11-16, 43-11-16.1, 43-11-19, 43-11-20.3, 43-11-21, 43-11-23, 43-11-24, 43-11-25, 43-11-26, 43-11-27, 43-11-28, and 43-11-29, of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the practice and licensure of cosmetologists, estheticians, advanced estheticians, manicurists and instructors; to repeal sections 43-11-11.1, 43-11-17, and 43-11-27.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the use of brush rollers, licenses issued for schools and salons, and esthetician and manicurist licensing qualifications and fees; to provide a penalty; and to provide an effective date.

Measure Status   Track this Bill

First Reading

House 01/07

Referred to Committee

Industry, Business and Labor

Second Reading

House 02/04

First Reading

Senate 02/11

Referred to Committee

Workforce Development

Second Reading




Conference Committee

If Necessary


Last Official Action

Committee Hearing 02:00 on 03/06 (Senate Workforce Development)


Requested by the State Board of Cosmetology