HB 1317 - Overview

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal

Introduced by Rep. Satrom, Sen. Conley


A BILL for an Act to create and enact three new sections to chapter 43-04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to restricted, temporary, and retired barber licenses; to amend and reenact sections 43-04-01, 43-04-04, 43-04-06, 43-04-30, 43-04-30.1, 43-04-32, and 43-04-42 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the board of barber examiners, barber licensing, continuing education, and fees; and to provide a penalty.

Measure Status   Track this Bill

First Reading

House 01/13

Referred to Committee

Industry, Business and Labor

Second Reading

House 01/31

First Reading

Senate 02/13

Referred to Committee

Workforce Development

Second Reading

Senate 03/24



Conference Committee

If Necessary


Last Official Action

Returned to House (12)