HB 1592 - Overview

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal

Introduced by Rep. Novak, Rep. D. Anderson, Sen. Boehm, Sen. Kessel, Rep. J. Olson, Rep. Tveit


A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 54-17.5-01, 54-17.5-02, 54-17.5-03, 54-17.5-04, and 54-17.5-06 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the appointments, operations, and powers of the lignite research council, the powers of the industrial commission, and public record exemptions.

Measure Status   Track this Bill

First Reading

House 01/20

Referred to Committee

Energy and Natural Resources

Second Reading

House 02/11

First Reading

Senate 02/13

Referred to Committee

Energy and Natural Resources

Second Reading




Conference Committee

If Necessary


Last Official Action

Committee Hearing 03:00 on 03/06 (Senate Energy and Natural Resources)