SB 2287 - Overview

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal

Introduced by Sen. Erbele, Rep. Fisher, Rep. Grueneich, Rep. Hauck, Sen. Klein, Sen. Lemm


AN ACT to amend and reenact section 4.1-28-02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the authority to transact business associated with video livestock auction markets; and to repeal sections 4.1-28-03 and 4.1-28-04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to licensing and fees for video livestock auction market representatives.

Measure Status   Track this Bill

First Reading

Senate 01/20

Referred to Committee

Agriculture and Veterans Affairs

Second Reading

Senate 02/03

First Reading

House 02/18

Referred to Committee


Second Reading

House 03/10



Conference Committee

Not Necessary


Signed on 03/18

Last Official Action

Filed with Secretary Of State 03/18