A | Amendment | S | SPA | |
E | Engrossment | $ | Fiscal Note | |
HJ | House Journal | SJ | Senate Journal |
Hearing Date | Time | Committee | Name | Organization | Role | City State |
Position | Document Number |
02/05 | 10:00 AM | House Finance and Taxation | John A. Saiki | North Dakota Association of County Engineers | Legislative Committee Member | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 34555 |
02/05 | 10:00 AM | House Finance and Taxation | Don Larson | GM | Lobbyist | Bismarck, ND | In Opposition | 34943 |
02/05 | 10:00 AM | House Finance and Taxation | Genny Dienstmann | ND Association of Counties | Director of Operations | Bismarck, ND | In Favor | 35005 |
02/05 | 10:00 AM | House Finance and Taxation | Paul T. Mutch | Larimore, ND | In Opposition | 35021 | ||
02/05 | 10:00 AM | House Finance and Taxation | Larry A. Syverson | North Dakota Township Officers Association | Executive Director | Mayville, ND | In Favor | 35256 |
02/05 | 10:00 AM | House Finance and Taxation | Russell Hanson | Associated General Contractors of ND | In Favor | 35340 | ||
02/05 | 10:00 AM | House Finance and Taxation | Michael Krumwiede | American Council of Engineering Companies | In Favor | 35344 | ||
02/05 | 10:00 AM | House Finance and Taxation | Mike Rud | ND Petroleum Marketers Association | President | In Opposition | 35346 | |
02/10 | 02:42 PM | House Finance and Taxation | Jared Hagert | ND Legislative Assembly District 20 | Representative | Neutral | 36792 |
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