HB 1579 - Testimony

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Hearing Date Time Committee Name Organization Role City
Position Document
01/31 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Natalie Pierce North Dakota Planning Association Mandan, ND In Favor 32685
01/31 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Terry Effertz Data Center Coalition of North Dakota Executive Director Bismarck, ND In Opposition 33125
01/31 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Randy Christmann Public Service Commission Chair Bismarck, ND In Favor 33138
01/31 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Sheri Haugen-Hoffart Public Service Commission Commissioner Bismarck, ND In Opposition 33141
01/31 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Etienne Snyman Applied Digital Executive Vice President of Power Dallas, TX In Opposition 33142
01/31 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Anna Novak North Dakota House of Representatives Representative ND In Favor 33173
01/31 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Zac Smith NDAREC Communications and Government Relations Director ND In Opposition 33182
01/31 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Jean Schafer Basin Electric Power Cooperative Senior Legislative Representative ND In Opposition 33185
01/31 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Matt Hanson McKenzie Electric Cooperative CEO ND In Opposition 33188
01/31 09:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Alex Vournas MWEC General Manager ND In Opposition 33206
02/20 10:00 AM House Energy and Natural Resources Anna Novak North Dakota House of Representatives Representative ND In Favor 38211

TESTIMONY DISCLAIMER: The Legislative Council is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or appropriateness of testimony submitted during the Legislative Session. The Legislative Council reserves the right to redact confidential or explicit information on testimony displayed to the public. The testimony displayed on this page is updated periodically to include additional submissions and might not represent a complete record of the hearing. Testimony can be submitted for future meetings held within the current Legislative Session from the Hearings tab.