HB 1036 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/08 02:46 PM House Industry, Business and Labor HB 1036
01/08 02:46 PM House Industry, Business and Labor Senator Wobbema - Introduces Bill - In Favor - #28151
01/08 03:06 PM House Industry, Business and Labor Andrea Pfennig-Vice president Government affairs-GNDC-in Favor-28151
01/08 03:10 PM House Industry, Business and Labor Blair Thoreson-FTIUM- Lobbyist-In Favor
01/08 03:14 PM House Industry, Business and Labor Jason Ehlert-ND building and Construction trades-In Favor-28106
01/08 03:19 PM House Industry, Business and Labor Zachery Greenberg-Intern Labor Commissioner-In Favor
01/08 03:20 PM House Industry, Business and Labor Close Hearing
01/08 03:21 PM House Industry, Business and Labor Adjourned
01/22 03:30 PM 10 House Industry, Business and Labor Committee Work - HB 1036 - Postponed
02/10 08:29 AM 23 House Industry, Business and Labor HB 1036-Committee Work
02/10 08:37 AM 23 House Industry, Business and Labor Roll Call
02/10 08:48 AM 23 House Industry, Business and Labor Voice Vote-Passed
02/10 09:01 AM 23 House Industry, Business and Labor Roll Call On a Do Pass-7-6-1 Motion Passed
02/19 05:14 PM 30 House Appropriations Committee Work - HB 1036
02/19 05:29 PM 30 House Appropriations HB 1036
02/19 07:05 PM 30 House Appropriations Committee Work - HB 1036
02/19 07:06 PM 30 House Appropriations Motion Fails for Lack of Second
02/19 07:10 PM 30 House Appropriations Roll Call Vote 21-2-0 Motion Carries
02/24 01:52 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1036 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.0348.02000
02/24 01:52 PM 33 House Representative Stemen 25.0348.02000
02/24 01:53 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1036 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass - Votes Required 48: FAILED - Yea 8 NAY 85 N/V 0 Exc 0 25.0348.02000