HB 1112 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/09 09:54 AM House Government and Veterans Affairs HB 1112
01/09 09:55 AM House Government and Veterans Affairs Derrick Hohbein - Chief Operating/Financial Officer of NDPERS - Testifying In Support - #28093
01/09 10:03 AM House Government and Veterans Affairs Thomas A. Claeys - From North Dakota Forest Service - Testifying In Support - #28122
01/09 10:10 AM House Government and Veterans Affairs Ryan Melin - Fire Management Officer of ND Forest Service - Testifying In Support - #28327
01/09 10:20 AM House Government and Veterans Affairs Robert Knuth - Training Director of ND Firefighter's Association - Testifying In Support - #28328
01/09 10:22 AM House Government and Veterans Affairs Jeff A. Thompson - Administrative Chief of the Dickinson Rural Fire Protection District - Testifying In Support - #28297
01/09 10:24 AM House Government and Veterans Affairs Closed the Hearing
01/09 10:24 AM House Government and Veterans Affairs Re-opened Hearing for Questions
01/09 10:24 AM House Government and Veterans Affairs Rebecca Fricke - Executive Director of NDPERS - Testifying In Support
01/09 10:30 AM House Government and Veterans Affairs Closed the Hearing
01/10 11:08 AM 2 House Government and Veterans Affairs Committee Work - HB 1112
01/10 11:12 AM 2 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative VanWinkle - Moved Do Pass
01/10 11:12 AM 2 House Government and Veterans Affairs Representative Brown - Seconded
01/10 11:12 AM 2 House Government and Veterans Affairs Roll Call Vote on Do Pass - Motion Passed - 14-0-0
01/14 02:06 PM 4 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1112 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass 25.0115.02000
01/14 02:07 PM 4 House Representative Karls 25.0115.02000
01/14 02:10 PM 4 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1112 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Pass - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 93 Nay 0 N/V 1 Exc 0 25.0115.02000
03/06 09:30 AM Senate State and Local Government HB 1112
03/06 09:32 AM Senate State and Local Government Derrick Hohbein - Chief Operating/ Financial Officer - NDPERS - Neutral - Testimony #38416
03/06 09:36 AM Senate State and Local Government Tom Claeys - State Forester - North Dakota Forest Service - In Favor - Testimony #38586
03/06 09:43 AM Senate State and Local Government Derrick Hohbein - Chief Operating/ Financial Officer - NDPERS - Neutral - Additional Testimony Clarifying
03/06 09:45 AM Senate State and Local Government Ryan Melin - Fire Management Officer - North Dakota Forest Service - In Favor - Testimony #38969
03/06 09:50 AM Senate State and Local Government Ken Wangen - President - North Dakota Fire Chiefs Association - In Favor - Testimony #38849
03/06 09:53 AM Senate State and Local Government Corey Johnson - Asst. Chief of Operations - City of Williston Fire Dept. - In Favor - Testimony #38888
03/06 09:57 AM Senate State and Local Government Robert Knuth - Training Director - North Dakota Firefighter’s Association - In Favor - Testimony #39163
03/06 10:00 AM Senate State and Local Government Jeff Thompson - Administrative Chief - Dickinson Rural Fire Protection District - In Favor - Testimony #39022
03/06 10:02 AM Senate State and Local Government Darren Schimke - President - Professional Fire Fighters of North Dakota - In Favor - Testimony #38730
03/06 10:05 AM Senate State and Local Government Chairwoman Kristin Roers - Closed Hearing
03/06 10:05 AM Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on HB1112
03/06 10:05 AM Senate State and Local Government s
03/06 10:06 AM Senate State and Local Government Roll Call Vote on HB1112 - Motion Passed - 6-0-0
03/11 12:59 PM 37 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1112 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.0115.02000
03/11 12:59 PM 37 Senate Senator Lee 25.0115.02000
03/11 01:00 PM 37 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1112 - State and Local Government - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 47 Nay 0 N/V 0 Exc 0 25.0115.02000