SB 2034 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/14 10:02 AM 4 Senate Education SB 2034
01/14 10:03 AM 4 Senate Education Representative Mark Sanford - Introduced the Bill #30181
01/14 10:17 AM 4 Senate Education David Krebsbach - ND University System - Vice Chancellor Admin Affairs - Testified in Favor #28947
01/14 10:19 AM 4 Senate Education Leslie Wietstock - Dickinson State University - VP Finance & Administration - Testified in Favor #29328
01/14 10:20 AM 4 Senate Education Leslie Wietstock - Additional Testimony #29476
01/14 10:26 AM 4 Senate Education Alex Conquist - Legislative Council - Senior Fiscal Analyst testified neutral
01/14 10:26 AM 4 Senate Education Closed the Hearing
01/14 10:27 AM 4 Senate Education Senator Boschee moved Do Pass and referred to appropriation
01/14 10:27 AM 4 Senate Education Senator Axtman seconded motion
01/14 10:39 AM 4 Senate Education Senator Boschee withdrew motion
01/14 10:39 AM 4 Senate Education Senator Axtman removed second
01/14 10:40 AM 4 Senate Education Alex Cronquist - Legislative Council - Senior Fiscal Analyst - responded to questions
01/14 10:54 AM 4 Senate Education Meeting Adjourned
01/21 11:25 AM 9 Senate Education Committee Work - SB 2034
01/21 11:28 AM 9 Senate Education Senator Mike Wobbema Moved a Do Pass on SB 2034
01/21 11:29 AM 9 Senate Education Senator Michelle Axtman Secondeda
01/21 11:29 AM 9 Senate Education axt
01/21 11:30 AM 9 Senate Education Roll Call Vote on Do Pass and Rerefer to Approps - Motion Passed - 6-0-0
02/03 02:46 PM 18 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division SB 2034
02/17 11:06 AM 28 Senate Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Committee Work: SB 2034
02/19 09:42 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Committee Work - SB 2034
02/19 09:42 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Sorvaag Introduced SB 2034
02/19 09:43 AM 30 Senate Appropriations Senator Sorvaag Moved Do Not Pass SB 2034
02/24 03:19 PM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2034 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.0334.02000
02/24 03:20 PM 33 Senate Senator Sorvaag 25.0334.02000
02/24 03:20 PM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2034 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass - Votes Required 24: FAILED - Yea 0 Nay 47 N/V 0 Exc 0 25.0334.02000