SB 2180 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/24 09:03 AM 12 Senate State and Local Government SB 2180
01/24 09:03 AM 12 Senate State and Local Government Senator Paulson - District 3 - Introduces SB 2180 - In Favor - Testimony #31281
01/24 09:59 AM 12 Senate State and Local Government Chairwoman Kristin Roers - closed hearing on SB 2180
01/24 10:45 AM 12 Senate State and Local Government Committee Work - SB 2180
01/31 09:33 AM 17 Senate State and Local Government Discussion SB 2180
02/13 02:36 PM 26 Senate State and Local Government SB 2180
02/13 02:52 PM 26 Senate State and Local Government Roll Call Vote on Amendment LC#25.0269.01003 - Motion Passed - 4-1-1
02/13 02:53 PM 26 Senate State and Local Government Senator Barta - Moved a Do Pass on SB 2180 as Amended
02/13 02:53 PM 26 Senate State and Local Government Walen
02/13 02:54 PM 26 Senate State and Local Government Roll Call Vote on SB 2180 as Amended - Motion Passed - 5-0-1
02/18 01:29 PM 29 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2180 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.0269.01000
25.0269.01003 A
25.0269.02000 E
02/18 01:30 PM 29 Senate Senator Castaneda 25.0269.01000
25.0269.01003 A
25.0269.02000 E