SB 2201 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/20 09:01 AM 8 Senate Finance and Taxation SB 2201
01/20 09:01 AM 8 Senate Finance and Taxation Chairman Mark Weber - Introduced SB 2201
01/21 09:00 AM 9 Senate Finance and Taxation Committee Work SB 2201
01/21 02:13 PM 9 Senate Finance and Taxation SB2201
01/21 02:14 PM 9 Senate Finance and Taxation Committee Work - SB 2201
01/21 02:16 PM 9 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Chuck Walen Moved a Do Pass on SB 2201 as Amended
01/21 02:17 PM 9 Senate Finance and Taxation Roll Call Vote on SB 2201 as Amended - Motion Passed - 6-0-0
01/21 02:18 PM 9 Senate Finance and Taxation Senator Dale Patten Moved to Re-Refer SB 2201 to Appropriations as Amended
01/21 02:18 PM 9 Senate Finance and Taxation Roll Call Vote on Re-Referral of SB 2201 as Amended - Motion Passed - 6-0-0
01/22 01:09 PM 10 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2201 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 25.0308.04000
25.0308.04001 A
25.0308.05000 E
01/22 01:09 PM 10 Senate Senator Weber 25.0308.04000
25.0308.04001 A
25.0308.05000 E
01/22 01:12 PM 10 Senate Senator Lee 25.0308.04000
25.0308.04001 A
25.0308.05000 E
01/22 01:13 PM 10 Senate Senator Luick 25.0308.04000
25.0308.04001 A
25.0308.05000 E
01/22 01:14 PM 10 Senate Senator Weber 25.0308.04000
25.0308.04001 A
25.0308.05000 E
01/22 01:14 PM 10 Senate Senator Sorvaag 25.0308.04000
25.0308.04001 A
25.0308.05000 E
01/24 10:45 AM 12 Senate Appropriations Committee Work - SB 2201
01/24 10:46 AM 12 Senate Appropriations Senator Weber Introduced SB 2201
01/24 10:54 AM 12 Senate Appropriations Senator Sorvaag moved a Do Pass on Engrossed SB 2201
01/27 01:31 PM 13 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2201 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0308.05000
01/27 01:31 PM 13 Senate Senator Weber 25.0308.05000
01/27 01:32 PM 13 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2201 - Appropriations - Floor Amendment 25.0308.05000
25.0308.05001 A
25.0308.06000 E
01/27 01:32 PM 13 Senate Senator Weber 25.0308.05000
25.0308.05001 A
25.0308.06000 E
01/27 01:34 PM 13 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2201 - Appropriations 25.0308.06000
01/27 01:34 PM 13 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2201 - Appropriations - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 47 Nay 0 N/V 0 Exc 0 25.0308.06000
02/03 09:01 AM 18 House Finance and Taxation SB 2201
02/03 04:01 PM 18 House Finance and Taxation Committee Work - SB 2201
02/03 04:06 PM 18 House Finance and Taxation Roll Call Vote on SB 2201 as Amended - Motion Passed - 14-0-0
02/10 08:34 AM 23 House Appropriations SB 2201
02/10 08:44 AM 23 House Appropriations swion
02/10 08:45 AM 23 House Appropriations Roll Call Vote 20-0-3 Motion Carries
02/11 05:31 PM 24 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2201 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0308.07000
02/11 05:32 PM 24 House Representative Nathe 25.0308.07000
02/11 05:33 PM 24 House 14th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2201 - Appropriations - Do Pass - Votes Required 63: PASSED - Yea 88 Nay 0 N/V 6 Exc 0 25.0308.07000
02/13 02:13 PM 26 Senate 12th Order - Consideration of Message from House - SB2201 - Finance and Taxation - Concur In 25.0308.06000
25.0308.06001 A
25.0308.07000 E
02/13 02:13 PM 26 Senate Senator Weber 25.0308.06000
25.0308.06001 A
25.0308.07000 E
02/13 02:14 PM 26 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2201 - Finance and Taxation - Concur In 25.0308.07000
02/13 02:14 PM 26 Senate Senator Weber 25.0308.07000
02/13 02:15 PM 26 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2201 - Finance and Taxation - Concur In - Votes Required 32: PASSED - Yea 47 Nay 0 N/V 0 Exc 0 25.0308.07000