SCR 4008 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
02/20 09:46 AM 31 Senate State and Local Government SCR 4008
02/20 09:47 AM 31 Senate State and Local Government Scott Tillman - Chief Operations Officer -U.S. Term Limits - In Opposition - Testimony #38153
02/20 10:00 AM 31 Senate State and Local Government Eric Winters - Attorney - US Term Limits Foundation - In Opposition - Testimony # 38150
02/20 10:06 AM 31 Senate State and Local Government Lanny Kenner - Citizen - In Opposition - Testimony # 38146
02/20 10:07 AM 31 Senate State and Local Government Dustin Gawrylow - North Dakota Watchdog Network - In Opposition - Testimony #38047
02/20 10:13 AM 31 Senate State and Local Government Chairwoman Kristin Roers - Closed Hearing
02/20 10:13 AM 31 Senate State and Local Government Chairwoman Kristin Roers - Recessed Meeting
02/20 03:07 PM 31 Senate State and Local Government SCR 4008
02/20 03:21 PM 31 Senate State and Local Government Chairwoman Kristin Roers - Closed Hearing
02/21 10:37 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government Committee Work - SCR 4008
02/21 10:50 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government x
02/21 10:51 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government Roll Call Vote on SCR4008 Amendment LC#25.3066.01001- Motion Passed - 6-0-0
02/21 10:52 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government Senator Barta - Moved a Do Pass on SCR 4008 as Amended
02/21 10:54 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government Seconded
02/21 10:54 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government Roll Call Vote on SCR4008 Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passed - 5-1-0
02/21 10:55 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government Adjourned Meeting
02/24 01:36 PM 33 Senate State and Local Government z
02/24 01:36 PM 33 Senate State and Local Government SCR 4008
02/24 01:38 PM 33 Senate State and Local Government c
02/24 01:39 PM 33 Senate State and Local Government Senator Walen - Moved to Reconsider SCR 4008
02/24 01:39 PM 33 Senate State and Local Government Voice Vote to Reconsider - Motion Passed
02/24 01:39 PM 33 Senate State and Local Government Roll Call Vote on Amendment - Motion Passed - 6-0-0
02/24 01:39 PM 33 Senate State and Local Government Senator Walen - Moved a Do Pass on SCR 4008 as Amended
02/24 01:39 PM 33 Senate State and Local Government Roll Call Vote on Do Pass as Amended - Motion Passed - 5-1-0
02/24 01:39 PM 33 Senate State and Local Government Chairwoman Kristin Roers - Adjourned Meeting
02/24 01:41 PM 33 Senate State and Local Government Committee Work - SCR 4008
03/17 01:20 PM 41 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SCR4008 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.3066.01000
25.3066.01001 A
25.3066.02000 E
03/17 01:20 PM 41 Senate Senator Roers 25.3066.01000
25.3066.01001 A
25.3066.02000 E
03/17 01:21 PM 41 Senate Senator Dwyer 25.3066.01000
25.3066.01001 A
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03/17 01:23 PM 41 Senate Senator Magrum 25.3066.01000
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03/17 01:23 PM 41 Senate Senator Roers 25.3066.01000
25.3066.01001 A
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03/17 01:24 PM 41 Senate Senator Dwyer 25.3066.01000
25.3066.01001 A
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03/17 01:25 PM 41 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SCR4008 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.3066.01000
25.3066.01001 A
25.3066.02000 E
03/17 01:25 PM 41 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SCR4008 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.3066.02000
03/17 01:25 PM 41 Senate Senator Roers 25.3066.02000
03/17 01:26 PM 41 Senate Senator Dever 25.3066.02000
03/17 01:32 PM 41 Senate Senator Gerhardt 25.3066.02000
03/17 01:36 PM 41 Senate Senator Castaneda 25.3066.02000
03/17 01:38 PM 41 Senate Senator Magrum 25.3066.02000
03/17 01:40 PM 41 Senate Senator Dever 25.3066.02000
03/17 01:42 PM 41 Senate Senator Magrum 25.3066.02000
03/17 01:44 PM 41 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SCR4008 - State and Local Government - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 24 Nay 23 N/V 0 Exc 0 25.3066.02000