SCR 4013 - Video

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
02/21 09:00 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government SCR 4013
02/21 09:01 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government Senator Sickler - Legislative Assembly - Introduced SCR 4013 - In Favor - Testimony #38295
02/21 09:09 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government Closed the Hearing
02/21 09:09 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government Senator Lee - Moved a Do Pass on SCR4013
02/21 09:09 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government SCR 4013
02/21 09:11 AM 32 Senate State and Local Government Roll Call Vote on SCR 4013 Do Pass - Motion Passed - 6-0-0
02/24 05:25 PM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SCR4013 - State and Local Government - Do Pass 25.3065.03000
02/24 05:25 PM 33 Senate Senator Barta 25.3065.03000