Actions to Measures | North Dakota Legislative Branch

Actions to Measures

HJ House Journal
SJ Senate Journal

Legislative Day 5 January 15, 2025

House Measure Actions
Measure Action Journal Page(s)
HB 1044 Committee report HJ251
HB 1048 Passed HJ249
HB 1053 Passed HJ248
HB 1065 Passed HJ249
HB 1072 Committee report HJ252
HB 1075 Passed HJ250
HB 1087 Committee report HJ252
HB 1088 Committee report HJ252
HB 1096 Committee report HJ252
HB 1099 Committee report HJ252
HB 1101 Failed HJ250
HB 1109 Committee report HJ252
HB 1110 Committee report HJ252
HB 1116 Passed HJ251
HB 1150 Committee report HJ252
HB 1164 Committee report HJ252
HB 1185 Committee report HJ253
HB 1195 Request return from committee HJ247
HB 1195 Withdrawn HJ247
HB 1277 Request return from committee HJ247
HB 1277 Withdrawn HJ247
HB 1301 Rereferred HJ247
HB 1301 Request return from committee HJ247
HB 1435 Introduced (emergency) HJ253
HB 1436 Introduced HJ253
HB 1437 Introduced HJ253
HB 1438 Introduced HJ253
HB 1439 Introduced HJ253
HB 1440 Introduced HJ253
HB 1441 Introduced HJ253
HB 1442 Introduced HJ254
HB 1443 Introduced HJ254
HB 1444 Introduced HJ254
HB 1445 Introduced HJ254
HB 1446 Introduced HJ254
HB 1447 Introduced HJ254
HB 1448 Introduced HJ254
HB 1449 Introduced HJ254
SB 2040 Received from Senate HJ251
SB 2060 Received from Senate HJ251
SB 2063 Received from Senate HJ251
SB 2078 Received from Senate HJ251
SB 2085 Received from Senate HJ251
HCR 3002 Committee report HJ253
HCR 3004 Passed HJ248
HCR 3004 Request return from committee HJ247
HR 5001 Rereferred HJ247
HR 5001 Request return from committee HJ247