Actions to Measures | North Dakota Legislative Branch

Actions to Measures

HJ House Journal
SJ Senate Journal

Legislative Day 11 January 23, 2025

Senate Measure Actions
Measure Action Journal Page(s)
HB 1122 Received from House SJ251
HB 1170 Received from House SJ251
HB 1354 Received from House SJ251
HB 1420 Received from House SJ251
HB 1440 Received from House SJ251
SB 2039 Passed SJ250
SB 2070 Committee report SJ251
SB 2109 Amendment adopted SJ248
SB 2113 Committee report SJ251
SB 2158 Amendment failed SJ249
SB 2158 Amended on floor SJ249
SB 2158 Passed SJ249
SB 2163 Passed SJ248
SB 2173 Amendment adopted SJ248
SB 2178 Committee report SJ251
SB 2189 Failed SJ250
SB 2195 Passed SJ249
SB 2205 Committee report SJ251
SB 2205 Rereferred SJ251
SB 2207 Committee report SJ251
SB 2219 Committee report SJ251
SB 2222 Rereferred SJ248
SB 2222 Request return from committee SJ248
SB 2253 Introduced SJ252
SB 2256 Rereferred SJ248
SB 2256 Request return from committee SJ248
SB 2260 Introduced SJ252
SB 2315 Introduced SJ252
SB 2349 Introduced SJ252
SB 2350 Introduced SJ252
SCR 4001 Passed SJ250
SCR 4004 Committee report SJ251