Member Video Inquiry - Representative Mitskog

Video Inquiry

Biography for Representative Mitskog
69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27)

Video Index for Representative Mitskog, Alisa

A Amendment
E Engrossment

Total Videos:  54
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/22 01:19 PM 10 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HCR3002 - Judiciary - Do Not Pass 25.3024.02000
01/23 11:07 AM 11 House Political Subdivisions Representative Mitskog - Verbal Testimony in Favor
01/28 11:14 AM 14 House Education Representative Mitskog introduced the bill In Favor - #32162
01/30 09:01 AM 16 House Energy and Natural Resources Representative Mitskog introduced the bill In Favor
01/31 10:00 AM 17 House Political Subdivisions Representative Mitskog - ND Representative District 25 - Introduced Bill and Testified in Favor #33194
02/03 10:24 AM 18 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Seconded
02/06 10:26 AM 21 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Seconded
02/06 10:28 AM 21 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Seconded
02/06 10:59 AM 21 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Seconded
02/11 08:47 AM 24 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog moved amendment LC# 25.0158.01001
02/11 08:49 AM 24 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog moved Do Pass as Amended
02/11 06:05 PM 24 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1366 - Transportation - Do Not Pass 25.0980.02000
02/11 06:40 PM 24 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1025 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0429.04000
02/12 02:35 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Introduced Amendment LC# 25.0158.01001 - #37436
02/12 02:37 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Moved Amendment
02/12 02:41 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Moved Do Pass as Amended
02/13 07:36 PM 26 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HCR3012 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 25.3057.01000
02/17 10:40 AM 28 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Moves Do Pass
02/17 05:21 PM 28 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1014 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0158.02000
02/17 07:20 PM 28 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Seconds
02/18 03:44 PM 29 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Seconds
02/18 07:38 PM 29 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Moves Do Pass
02/19 05:59 PM 30 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Seconds
02/19 06:13 PM 30 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Seconds
02/19 06:13 PM 30 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Withdraws Second
02/20 07:06 PM 31 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog seconded
02/20 08:24 PM 31 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog seconded
02/24 08:14 AM 33 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog moved to combine substance use disorder and mental health treatment funds to be $3.5 million
02/24 08:25 AM 33 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog seconded
02/24 08:32 AM 33 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog moved $2 million increase to nursing homes and basic care facilities
02/24 08:36 AM 33 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog seconded
02/24 08:54 AM 33 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog moved $750k increase to school truancy and absenteeism funding
02/24 09:04 AM 33 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog moved $150k increase to recreational services for individuals with developmental disabilities
02/24 09:09 AM 33 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog seconded
02/24 09:43 AM 33 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog seconded
02/24 10:01 AM 33 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog moved additional amendment to statewide health strategies program
02/24 01:16 PM 33 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog moved to add $750k to the state health strategies grant
02/24 06:06 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1535 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.1040.04000
02/25 08:26 AM 34 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog seconded
02/25 01:29 PM 34 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Moves to Amend to Change Funding Sources
03/06 02:04 PM Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Alisa Mitskog - Representative - ND Legislative Assembly - Testified In Favor
03/10 11:01 AM 36 Senate Education Representative Mitskog - Legislative Assembly - Introduced HB1331- Testimony #39985
03/10 11:01 AM 36 Senate Education Representative Mitskog
03/13 11:14 AM 39 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog moved to adopt Senate Amendment LC# .02000
03/13 11:15 AM 39 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog moved a Do Pass as Amended
03/17 10:13 AM 41 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog seconded the Do Pass Motion
03/20 10:34 AM 44 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Seconded
03/20 10:51 AM 44 Senate Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Mitskog opened hearing on HB 1009 with a reference to amendment 25.0153.02001#43402
03/21 09:02 AM 45 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Representative Mitskog - Introduced Bill - Testimony#43414
03/26 03:09 PM 48 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog seconded
03/26 03:17 PM 48 House Appropriations - Human Resources Division Representative Mitskog seconded
03/27 11:17 AM 49 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Explained Amendment LC# 25.0184.02001
03/27 11:21 AM 49 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Moved Amendment LC# 25.0184.02001
03/27 11:27 AM 49 House Appropriations Representative Mitskog Moved Do Pass as Amended