Member Video Inquiry - Representative Bosch

Video Inquiry

Biography for Representative Bosch
69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27)

Video Index for Representative Bosch, Glenn

A Amendment
E Engrossment

Total Videos:  64
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/20 08:55 AM 8 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch requested an addition to the long sheet.
01/20 11:45 AM 8 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch moved verbal Amendment to adjust the fee and salary structures - #30469 - 25.0155.01001
01/20 11:53 AM 8 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch moved Do Pass As Amended
01/23 02:32 PM 11 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch moved to amend by accepting the ongoing funding changes in the long sheet - Burgum budget - #31692 - 25.0151.01001
01/23 02:34 PM 11 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch moved Do Pass As Amended
01/23 02:35 PM 11 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch withdrew his motion to Do Pass As Amended
01/23 02:37 PM 11 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch moved to further amend to accommodate the FTE pool - #31692 - 25.0151.01001
01/23 02:38 PM 11 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch moved Do Pass As Amended
01/27 03:29 PM 13 House Education Representative Bosch introduced the bill In Favor
01/28 02:30 PM 14 House Human Services Representative Bosch - Introduced the bill
01/30 10:01 AM 16 House Appropriations Representative Bosch presented Amendment LC# 25.0155.01002
01/30 10:09 AM 16 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moved to Amend LC# 25.0155.01002
01/30 10:14 AM 16 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves Do Pass as Amended
02/03 02:42 PM 18 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch seconded the motion
02/03 02:43 PM 18 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch seconded Do Pass As Amended
02/06 09:24 AM 21 House Energy and Natural Resources Representative Bosch introduced the bill In Favor - #35859
02/06 12:41 PM 21 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1011 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0155.02000
02/07 09:54 AM 22 House Political Subdivisions Representative Bosch - ND Representative District 30 - Introduced Bill
02/10 10:43 AM 23 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch seconded the motion to amend
02/10 05:25 PM 23 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Seconds
02/11 10:18 AM 24 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch moved amendment - LC# 25.0166.01001 - #37059
02/11 10:19 AM 24 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch moved Do Pass As Amended
02/12 08:56 AM 25 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch seconded
02/12 10:47 AM 25 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch seconded the motion to amend
02/12 03:10 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Introduced Amendment LC# 25.0166.01001
02/12 03:19 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moved Amendment LC# 25.0166.01001
02/12 03:21 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moved Do Pass as Amended
02/12 04:16 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moved Representative Berg Be Excused from Voting
02/12 04:21 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moved Representative Berg Be Excused from Voting
02/12 04:33 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moved that Representative Berg Be Excused from Voting
02/12 04:34 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Seconded
02/12 04:35 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Seconded
02/12 04:37 PM 25 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moved that Representative Berg Be Excused from Voting
02/14 08:13 AM 27 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Testimony - #37700
02/17 11:39 AM 28 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves Do Pass
02/17 05:16 PM 28 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1022 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0166.02000
02/17 06:57 PM 28 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Seconds
02/18 08:11 AM 29 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Introduces Amendment LC# 25.0833.01001
02/18 05:41 PM 29 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1469 - Political Subdivisions - Do Pass 25.1079.03000
02/18 06:55 PM 29 House 17th Order - Announcements
02/18 07:44 PM 29 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves Do Pass
02/18 07:46 PM 29 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Withdraws Motion
02/18 07:46 PM 29 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves to Amend to Change Funding Source
02/19 07:52 PM 30 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves Do Pass
02/20 09:25 AM 31 Senate Workforce Development Representative Bosch
02/21 11:39 AM 32 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves Representative Berg Be Excused from Voting
02/21 03:49 PM 32 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves to Amend to Remove the Funding
02/21 03:51 PM 32 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves Do Pass as Amended
02/21 03:53 PM 32 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves to Amend to Remove the Funding
02/21 03:54 PM 32 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves Do Pass as Amend
02/21 05:19 PM 32 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Explains Amendment LC# 25.1081.02001 - #38338
02/21 05:25 PM 32 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves Do Pass as Amended
02/21 05:40 PM 32 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Seconds
02/24 09:39 AM 33 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch seconded the motion to further amend
02/24 09:41 AM 33 House Appropriations - Government Operations Division Representative Bosch seconded Do Pass As Amended
02/25 12:59 PM 34 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves Representative Berg Be Excused from Voting
02/25 01:01 PM 34 House Appropriations Representative Bosch Moves Representative Berg Be Excused from Voting
02/25 01:56 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1213 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.0626.03000
02/25 07:11 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1446 - Government and Veterans Affairs - Do Not Pass 25.0267.03000
02/25 07:53 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1448 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0883.02000
02/25 07:56 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1265 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0918.03000
03/14 10:34 AM 40 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Representative Bosch - Introduced Bill
03/14 10:36 AM 40 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Representative Bosch proposed Amendment - Testimony#41542
03/17 10:53 AM 41 Senate Human Services Representative Bosch Introduced the Bill in Favor