Member Video Inquiry - Representative Hanson

Video Inquiry

Biography for Representative Hanson
69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27)

Video Index for Representative Hanson, Karla Rose

A Amendment
E Engrossment

Total Videos:  55
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/21 02:04 PM 9 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Hanson - Introduced Bill - In Favor - #30607
01/21 02:04 PM 9 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Hanson-Additional Testimony-30609
01/21 02:04 PM 9 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Hanson-Additional testimony-30610
01/21 02:04 PM 9 House Industry, Business and Labor Representative Hanson-Additional testimony-30611
01/29 08:58 AM 15 House Human Services Representative Hanson - Introduced the bill #32331
01/29 08:59 AM 15 House Human Services Representative Hanson proposed Amendment #32333
01/29 09:19 AM 15 House Human Services Representative Hanson - Introduced the bill #32329
01/29 09:19 AM 15 House Human Services Representative Hanson proposed Amendment #32330
01/29 02:17 PM 15 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson reviewed budget sheet provided by Legislative Council - #32662
01/29 02:18 PM 15 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson
01/29 02:50 PM 15 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson continued to review budget sheet - #32662
02/03 02:45 PM 18 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson reviewed long sheet - #33974
02/04 10:04 AM 19 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson reviewed proposed amendments - LC #25.0165.01001 - #34526
02/04 10:07 AM 19 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson moved Amendment
02/04 10:08 AM 19 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson motioned a Do Pass as Amended
02/05 10:05 AM 20 House Human Services Representative Hanson - Testified in opposition #34947
02/06 10:18 AM 21 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moved Do Not Pass
02/10 08:56 AM 23 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Seconds
02/10 08:59 AM 23 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Seconds
02/10 09:18 AM 23 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Introduces Amendment LC# 25.0165.01001 - #36609
02/10 09:25 AM 23 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moves Amendment
02/10 09:26 AM 23 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moves Do Pass as Amended
02/11 10:11 AM 24 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson Seconded
02/13 01:12 PM 26 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1282 - Human Services - Do Not Pass 25.0069.03000
02/13 02:08 PM 26 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1021 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0165.02000
02/13 04:08 PM 26 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Seconds
02/13 04:24 PM 26 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moves to Further Amend to Change May to Must
02/14 12:45 PM 27 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1242 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.0350.03000
02/18 08:32 AM 29 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moves Amendment
02/18 08:33 AM 29 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moves to Amend to Add Members from the House and Senate Minority Parties
02/19 08:41 AM 30 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson Seconded
02/19 08:53 AM 30 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson reviewed testimony - #38030
02/19 08:58 AM 30 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson reviewed long sheet provided by Levi Kinnischtzke - Legislative Council - #38031
02/19 06:06 PM 30 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moves to Amend to Remove Section 5
02/19 06:08 PM 30 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moves Do Not Pass
02/20 08:25 AM 31 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson
02/20 08:32 AM 31 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson reviewed proposed amendments - LC# 25.0162.01003 - #38166
02/20 08:35 AM 31 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson moved to adopt proposed amendments
02/20 08:36 AM 31 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson moved Do Pass as Amended
02/20 11:02 AM 31 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Seconded
02/20 06:18 PM 31 House Appropriations Representative Hanson opened the discussion
02/21 11:43 AM 32 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Introduced Amendment LC# 25.0162.01003 - #38324
02/21 11:43 AM 32 House Appropriations Representative Hanson - Additional Testimony #38325
02/21 12:04 PM 32 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moves Amendment
02/21 12:06 PM 32 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moves Do Pass as Amended
02/21 12:08 PM 32 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Moves Do Not Pass
02/21 04:48 PM 32 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Seconds
02/21 05:16 PM 32 House Appropriations Representative Hanson Seconds
02/24 09:22 AM 33 House Appropriations - Education and Environment Division Representative Hanson Seconded
02/24 11:20 AM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1249 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.0756.03000
02/24 11:28 AM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1037 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.0401.02000
02/25 03:16 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1018 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0162.02000
02/25 03:30 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1438 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.0565.03000
02/25 08:20 PM 34 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1540 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.1055.04000
03/17 10:32 AM 41 House Appropriations Representative Hanson seconded Do Pass Motion