Member Video Inquiry - Senator Hogan

Video Inquiry

Biography for Senator Hogan
69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27)

Video Index for Senator Hogan, Kathy

A Amendment
E Engrossment

Total Videos:  206
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
01/08 09:09 AM Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass
01/08 10:39 AM Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/08 10:57 AM Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass and Rerefer to Appropriations
01/08 01:20 PM Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/08 01:23 PM Senate Human Services Senator Hogan moved Do Pass As Amended
01/09 02:33 PM Senate Transportation Senator Kathy Hogan Seconded
01/09 02:36 PM Senate Transportation Senator Kathy Hogan Seconded
01/13 11:04 AM 3 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass
01/13 02:46 PM 3 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan seconded the Motion
01/13 02:49 PM 3 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan - seconded the Motion
01/13 02:50 PM 3 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass as Amended
01/14 11:54 AM 4 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/14 01:19 PM 4 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2040 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.8000.01000
01/15 10:54 AM 5 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/15 10:59 AM 5 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/15 11:10 AM 5 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/15 01:23 PM 5 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2080 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.8093.01000
01/17 12:45 PM 7 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2113 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.8094.01000
25.8094.01001 A
25.8094.02000 E
01/17 01:25 PM 7 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2115 - Judiciary - Do Not Pass 25.8134.01000
01/20 11:01 AM 8 Senate Industry and Business Senator Hogan - Represent District 21 in Fargo ND - In Favor - #30127
01/21 09:11 AM 9 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/21 09:15 AM 9 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan seconded the Motion
01/21 09:15 AM 9 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass as Amended
01/21 03:24 PM 9 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/21 03:25 PM 9 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/21 03:51 PM 9 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/21 03:57 PM 9 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC#01001
01/22 01:06 PM 10 Senate 8th Order - Motions and Resolutions
01/22 02:43 PM 10 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC#02001
01/22 02:45 PM 10 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass as Amended
01/23 09:57 AM 11 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan - District 21 - Neutral
01/24 12:33 PM 12 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2113 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.8094.02000
25.8094.02001 A
25.8094.03000 E
01/27 09:17 AM 13 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# 01001
01/27 09:58 AM 13 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Introduced the Bill in Favor
01/27 03:24 PM 13 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/27 03:30 PM 13 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/27 03:49 PM 13 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved to Reconsider
01/28 08:30 AM 14 Senate Judiciary Senator Hogan - Testifying
01/28 09:19 AM 14 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan - Testified in Favor - #32069
01/28 09:19 AM 14 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan - Additional Testimony - #32070
01/28 10:46 AM 14 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Introduced the Bill in Favor
01/28 02:28 PM 14 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .01002
01/28 02:30 PM 14 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass As Amended
01/29 02:45 PM 15 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/29 03:10 PM 15 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved a Do Not Pass
01/29 03:17 PM 15 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .02001
01/29 03:26 PM 15 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .02001
01/29 03:34 PM 15 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .01001
01/29 03:36 PM 15 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass as Amended
01/29 03:50 PM 15 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
01/30 09:30 AM 16 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Seconded
01/30 10:15 AM 16 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Senator Hogan - Senator from District 21 - Introduced the Bill - In Favor
01/30 10:31 AM 16 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Seconded
01/30 01:15 PM 16 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2164 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0928.01000
25.0928.01002 A
25.0928.02000 E
01/30 02:20 PM 16 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2186 - Judiciary - Do Pass 25.0805.03000
01/31 12:37 PM 17 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2192 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0215.01000
25.0215.01001 A
25.0215.02000 E
01/31 01:04 PM 17 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2164 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0928.02000
01/31 01:22 PM 17 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2277 - Transportation - Do Pass 25.0868.02000
02/03 09:42 AM 18 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved a Do Pass
02/03 10:26 AM 18 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass As amended
02/03 10:39 AM 18 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
02/03 10:44 AM 18 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
02/03 02:51 PM 18 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .01001
02/03 02:57 PM 18 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass as Amended and Rerefer to Appropriations
02/03 03:08 PM 18 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .01001
02/03 03:09 PM 18 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved A Do Pass As Amended
02/03 03:35 PM 18 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .01001
02/03 03:38 PM 18 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass As Amended
02/04 09:32 AM 19 Senate Judiciary Senator Hogan - Introduced Bill - Testimony #33686
02/04 03:02 PM 19 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .01001
02/04 03:05 PM 19 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved a Do Pass As Amended and Rerefer to Appropriations
02/04 03:41 PM 19 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
02/05 10:23 AM 20 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .01001
02/05 10:26 AM 20 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass as Amended
02/05 11:16 AM 20 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .01001
02/05 11:19 AM 20 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass as Amended and Rerefer to Appropriations
02/05 01:22 PM 20 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2176 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1017.01000
25.1017.01002 A
25.1017.02000 E
02/06 09:45 AM 21 Senate Workforce Development Senator Hogan Introduced the Bill in Favor - #35794
02/06 09:45 AM 21 Senate Workforce Development Senator Hogan - Additional Testimony - #35796
02/06 09:45 AM 21 Senate Workforce Development Senator Hogan - Additional Testimony - #35797
02/06 09:45 AM 21 Senate Workforce Development Senator Hogan - Additional Testimony - #35821
02/06 11:27 AM 21 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Seconded
02/06 01:10 PM 21 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2305 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0909.02000
25.0909.02001 A
25.0909.03000 E
02/06 01:15 PM 21 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2191 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0104.01000
25.0104.01001 A
25.0104.04000 E
02/06 01:25 PM 21 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2316 - Human Services - Do Not Pass 25.0753.01000
02/06 02:04 PM 21 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Moved to Reconsider Action
02/06 02:29 PM 21 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Moved Do Not Pass
02/06 03:00 PM 21 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Senator Hogan - Introduced Bill - Testimony #35468
02/07 10:06 AM 22 Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs Senator Hogan - Senator from District 21 - In Favor
02/07 12:55 PM 22 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2191 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0104.04000
02/07 12:57 PM 22 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2176 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.1017.02000
02/10 08:32 AM 23 Senate Appropriations Senator Hogan - District 21 - Introduced Bill and Amendment - #36559
02/10 10:48 AM 23 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
02/10 10:55 AM 23 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved A Do Pass
02/10 02:43 PM 23 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2306 - Workforce Development - Do Not Pass 25.1068.02000
02/10 04:10 PM 23 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
02/11 09:25 AM 24 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass as Amended
02/11 10:10 AM 24 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass
02/11 10:25 AM 24 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .01001
02/11 10:26 AM 24 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass As Amended
02/11 11:03 AM 24 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .01001
02/11 11:05 AM 24 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass as Amended
02/11 11:12 AM 24 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Reconsider
02/11 11:13 AM 24 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .01001
02/11 11:14 AM 24 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan moved Do Pass As Amended
02/11 03:51 PM 24 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC# .02002
02/12 08:33 AM 25 Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division Senator Hogan - Introduced Bill - Testified - In Favor - #37051
02/12 08:40 AM 25 Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division Senator Hogan - Further Testimony - #37052
02/12 08:41 AM 25 Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division Senator Hogan - Further Testimony - #37053
02/12 08:47 AM 25 Senate Appropriations - Human Resources Division Senator Hogan - Further Testimony - LC#25.0909.02001 - #37321
02/12 09:15 AM 25 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan moved A Do Pass
02/12 09:33 AM 25 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
02/12 01:20 PM 25 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2354 - Education - Do Pass 25.1182.02000
25.1182.02001 A
25.1182.03000 E
02/13 01:12 PM 26 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2113 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.8094.04000
25.8094.04001 A
25.8094.05000 E
02/13 02:30 PM 26 Senate Workforce Development Senator Hogan Introduced the Bill in Favor - #37586
02/13 02:30 PM 26 Senate Workforce Development Senator Hogan - Additional Testimony - #37587
02/14 09:04 AM 27 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Moved a Do Pass
02/14 12:37 PM 27 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2348 - Industry and Business - Do Pass 25.1024.02000
25.1024.02001 A
25.1024.03000 E
02/14 12:57 PM 27 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2113 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.8094.05000
02/14 02:20 PM 27 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2192 - Appropriations - Do Not Pass 25.0215.02000
02/14 02:57 PM 27 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1038 - Appropriations - Division B 25.0329.06000
02/17 03:10 PM 28 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
02/19 01:07 PM 30 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2305 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0909.03000
25.0909.03001 A
25.0909.04000 E
02/19 01:09 PM 30 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2305 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0909.04000
02/20 09:19 AM 31 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Seconded
02/20 09:35 AM 31 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass
02/20 09:55 AM 31 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Seconded
02/20 11:25 AM 31 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Seconded
02/21 10:28 AM 32 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Seconded
02/21 11:13 AM 32 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Seconded
02/21 12:43 PM 32 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2342 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.1308.02000
02/21 01:08 PM 32 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - SB2029 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0224.03000
25.0224.03001 A
25.0224.04000 E
02/21 01:34 PM 32 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2029 - Appropriations - Do Pass 25.0224.04000
02/24 03:10 PM 33 Senate 11th Order - Final Passage Senate Measures - SB2281 - Finance and Taxation - Do Pass 25.0684.02000
03/05 10:41 AM Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
03/05 02:17 PM Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved A Do Pass
03/05 02:30 PM Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved A Do Pass
03/05 02:36 PM Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC#3001
03/05 02:40 PM Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved A Do Pass As Amended
03/06 11:22 AM Senate Workforce Development Senator Hogan - Testified in Neutral - # 39273
03/06 11:22 AM Senate Workforce Development Senator Hogan - Additional Testimony - #39247
03/06 11:36 AM Senate Workforce Development Senator Hogan - Additional Testimony
03/07 12:42 PM 35 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1053 - Transportation - Do Pass 25.8041.02000
25.8041.02001 A
25.8041.03000 E
03/07 12:44 PM 35 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1109 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.8079.01000
25.8079.01001 A
25.8079.02000 E
03/07 02:28 PM 35 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1120 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.8086.02000
03/10 01:22 PM 36 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1053 - Transportation - Do Pass 25.8041.03000
03/10 01:25 PM 36 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1109 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.8079.02000
03/10 01:36 PM 36 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1091 - Transportation - Do Pass 25.0346.01000
03/10 02:11 PM 36 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1428 - Finance and Taxation - Do Not Pass 25.1129.01000
03/11 10:59 AM 37 House Finance and Taxation Senator Hogan - District 21- Introduced Bill - #40222
03/11 10:59 AM 37 House Finance and Taxation Senator Hogan - Additional Testimony #40223
03/11 10:59 AM 37 House Finance and Taxation Senator Hogan - Additional Testimony #40224
03/11 10:59 AM 37 House Finance and Taxation Senator Hogan - Additional Testimony #40225
03/11 10:59 AM 37 House Finance and Taxation Senator Hogan - Additional Testimony #40226
03/11 12:40 PM 37 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1154 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0690.01000
03/12 09:57 AM 38 House Finance and Taxation Senator Hogan - District 21 - Introduced the Bill - #40710
03/12 02:00 PM 38 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Moton
03/12 02:15 PM 38 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
03/12 02:59 PM 38 House Human Services Senator Hogan Introduced the Bill #40461
03/12 02:59 PM 38 House Human Services Senator Hogan Additional Testimony #40462
03/12 02:59 PM 38 House Human Services Senator Hogan Additional Testimony #40463
03/13 03:30 PM 39 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1067 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.8081.02000
03/14 10:12 AM 40 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan - Moved a Do Not Pass on HB 1518
03/14 10:22 AM 40 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Moved a Do Pass on HB 1346
03/14 10:26 AM 40 Senate Transportation Senator Hogan Withdrew Do Pass Motion
03/14 12:41 PM 40 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1564 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1211.01000
25.1211.01001 A
25.1211.02000 E
03/17 10:59 AM 41 Senate Industry and Business Senator Hogan - Senator from District 21 - In Favor - #42160
03/17 11:23 AM 41 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved A Do Pass And Rerefer to Appropriations
03/17 01:13 PM 41 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1316 - Transportation - Do Pass 25.0681.02000
25.0681.02001 A
25.0681.03000 E
03/17 02:13 PM 41 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1564 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.1211.02000
03/17 04:13 PM 41 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
03/17 04:19 PM 41 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
03/18 09:03 AM 42 House Human Services Senator Hogan - Introduced the bill #42771
03/18 09:04 AM 42 House Human Services Additional testimony provided by Senator Hogan #42772
03/18 11:06 AM 42 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC#2001
03/18 01:10 PM 42 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1316 - Transportation - Do Pass 25.0681.03000
03/18 05:09 PM 42 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC#2001
03/18 05:10 PM 42 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass As Amended and Rerefer To Appropriations
03/19 02:23 PM 43 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Reconsider
03/19 02:26 PM 43 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC#3002
03/19 02:28 PM 43 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass as Amended and Rerefer to Appropriations
03/19 03:17 PM 43 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
03/19 03:18 PM 43 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
03/19 03:28 PM 43 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC#2001
03/19 03:54 PM 43 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
03/19 03:55 PM 43 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass As Amended and Rerefer to Appropriations
03/19 04:08 PM 43 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved A Do Pass
03/19 04:13 PM 43 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Do Pass
03/20 08:29 AM 44 House Agriculture Senator Hogan-Introduced Bill-In Favor-42982
03/20 01:44 PM 44 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1205 - Human Services - Without Committee Recommendation 25.0559.05000
03/21 12:40 PM 45 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1464 - Human Services - Do Pass 25.0993.02000
25.0993.02002 A
25.0993.04000 E
03/21 01:02 PM 45 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1578 - Transportation - Do Pass 25.1259.01000
03/24 09:13 AM 46 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved a Do Pass
03/24 09:25 AM 46 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved a Do Pass and Rerefer to Appropriations
03/24 09:39 AM 46 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC#2001
03/24 09:49 AM 46 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved A Do Pass
03/24 09:51 AM 46 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Do Pass As Amended
03/24 10:16 AM 46 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan
03/24 10:39 AM 46 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
03/24 11:00 AM 46 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
03/24 11:06 AM 46 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved a Do Not Pass as Amended
03/24 01:32 PM 46 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1568 - Industry and Business - Without Committee Recommendation 25.0954.03000
03/24 03:25 PM 46 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
03/24 04:03 PM 46 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Seconded the Motion
03/25 10:11 AM 47 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Moved Amendment LC#2001
03/25 10:13 AM 47 Senate Human Services Senator Hogan Do Not Pass as Amended