Biography for Representative Beltz 69th Legislative Assembly (2025-27) Bills Introduced by Representative Beltz, Mike Total Bills Introduced: 44 Primary Sponsor HB 1103 AN ACT to amend and reenact subsection 5 of section 4.1-07-01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the definitions applying to the dry pea and lentil council. Last Official Action Filed with Secretary Of State 03/24 HCR 3018 A concurrent resolution directing the Legislative Management to consider studying water and wetlands regulations and the taxation of inundated lands in the state. Last Official Action Committee Hearing 09:45 on 03/21 Cosponsored Bills House Bills HB 1090 HB 1093 HB 1104 HB 1136 HB 1174 HB 1211 HB 1218 HB 1229 HB 1268 HB 1275 HB 1280 HB 1318 HB 1338 HB 1339 HB 1348 HB 1383 HB 1385 HB 1443 HB 1444 HB 1445 HB 1484 HB 1512 HB 1531 HB 1538 HB 1551 HB 1556 HB 1558 HB 1564 HB 1575 Senate Bills SB 2138 SB 2150 SB 2157 SB 2173 SB 2174 SB 2270 SB 2271 SB 2327 SB 2333 SB 2342 SB 2363 SB 2390 Senate Concurrent Resolutions SCR 4012