A BILL for an Act to create and enact two new sections to chapter 26.1-30, two new sections to chapter 26.1-39, a new section to chapter 26.1-44, and a new subsection to section 26.1-46-03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to mandatory arbitration endorsements for property insurance, managed repair programs, civil remedy actions against property insurers, notice of property insurance claims, and surplus lines insurance policies; to amend and reenact sections 26.1-02-05, 26.1-25-02.1, 26.1-25-16, 26.1-26-04.1, 26.1-44-03, 26.1-46-01, 26.1-46-08, and 26.1-46-08.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to exceptions to unauthorized insurance transactions, exceptions for large commercial risks in fire, property, and casualty insurance rates, surplus lines insurance, risk retention groups and purchasing groups, restrictions on insurance purchased by purchasing groups, and purchasing group taxation and fees; to repeal section 26.1-44-03.3 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to an exemption from search requirements for licensed surplus line producers; and to provide a penalty.
Last Official Action
Committee Hearing 02:30 on 03/18