Major Topic Index - Courts

Category Bill
Allocation of Municipal Court Costs HB 1032
Alternative Sentencing HB 1059
Child Custody
Parental Rights and Responsibilities, Equal Residential Responsibility, and Presumption of Fitness SB 2383
Court Fees SB 2057
Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Human Trafficking Offenders HB 1361
Criminal Responsibility Proceedings SB 2077
Definition of Marriage SB 2264
Demand for Change of Judge SB 2102
Department of Water Resources Hearings and Appeals SB 2059
Disabled Persons
Guardian Appointments SB 2291
Diversion and Presentencing Programs HB 1425
Domestic Relations
Re-establishment of Parental Rights and Responsibilities HB 1034
Domestic Violence Protection Orders SB 2326
Eminent Domain Proceedings SB 2321
Establishment and Procedure for Municipal Court HB 1032
Excusing Law Enforcement Officers From Jury Duty SB 2095
Exemplary Damages SB 2290
Fees and Costs HB 1310
Grading of Theft Offenses SB 2257
Guardians of Incapacitated Persons HB 1262
Jury Counseling HB 1047
Juvenile Court SB 2036
Juvenile Records SB 2055
Juvenile Referral Procedure HB 1328
Legal and Equitable Interest Defined HB 1409
Legislative Management Proposed Study
Crimes Against Children HB 1410
Master Jury List SB 2054
Mediation Agreements HB 1048
Municipal Court Cost and Fee Requirements HB 1032
Municipal Judge
Arrests HB 1032
Sentence Enhancement HB 1386
Parental Rights and Responsibilities HB 1242
Partial Suspension of Sentence for Drug Court Program, Mental Health Court Program, or Veterans' Treatment Docket Program HB 1364
Classification of Offense HB 1367
Orders Prohibiting Contact HB 1336
Violation of Custody Decree SB 2186
Sexual Offender Registration HB 1231
Petitions to Seal Criminal Records HB 1263
Possession of a Firearm, Destructive Device, or Other Dangerous Weapon HB 1301
Proposed Studies
Court Fines and Fees HB 1417
Protection Order Procedure HB 1489
Privacy Exemptions HB 1499
Sealing Criminal Records HB 1166
Sentence Enhancement HB 1225
Sentencing Alternatives HB 1313
Service Requirements for Civil Claims HB 1405
Sexual Assault Restraining Orders SB 2326
Supervised Probation SB 2067
Supervised Treatment Programs HB 1347
Judicial Improvement HB 1189
Treatment Court HB 1030
Tribal Arrest Warrants SB 2056
Twenty-four Seven Sobriety Program Fees SB 2365
Vexatious Litigation SB 2382
Violation of Custody Decree SB 2186
Wearing a Mask in a Public Place HB 1226
Witnesses HB 1399
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