2025 Regular Session (69th Legislative Assembly)
Legislative Assembly
Category | Bill |
Advanced Technology Review Committee | |
Membership | HB 1265 |
Annual Legislative Sessions | HB 1408 |
Appropriations | |
Agency Appropriation | SB 2001 |
Legislative Assistants | HB 1532 |
Limitations | HB 1502 |
State Lodging Reimbursement Rates | SB 2187 |
Article V United States Constitutional Convention | SCR 4003 |
Artificial Intelligence Disclosure Statements | HB 1167 |
Authorized Travel Expenses and Lodging Reimbursement Rates | SB 2084 |
Bill Introduction | |
Restriction and Deadlines | HB 1406 |
Campaign Accounts | HB 1157 |
Compensation Adjustments | |
Public Employees | SB 2345 |
Department of Commerce | |
Repeal-office of Legal Immigration | HB 1493 |
Ethics and Criminal Immunity | HB 1277 |
Exception to the Prohibition Against Gifts | HB 1304 |
General Fund | |
Limitations | HB 1502 |
Giving Hearts Day Declaration | HCR 3027 |
House and Senate Employment Positions and Fixing Compensation | SCR 4005 |
House Concurrent | |
State Funding | HCR 3023 |
Insurance Commissioner | |
Agency Appropriation | HB 1010 |
Labor and Employment | |
Leave of Absence | HB 1495 |
Legislative Assembly Meetings | SB 2319 |
Legislative Council Requests | HB 1356 |
Legislative Management | |
Bill Introduction Privileges | SB 2215 |
Capitol Building Fund to Build a Legislative Office Building | SCR 4024 |
Legislative Committee on Government Efficiency | HB 1442 |
Legislative Redistricting | SB 2338 |
Legislative Sessions | |
Lobbyists Prohibited From Entering Legislative Chambers | SB 2315 |
Meal Reimbursement of Members of the Legislative Assembly | HB 1323 |
Membership | |
Children's Cabinet | SB 2176 |
Organizational Session Requirements | HB 1257 |
Political Organizations | |
Meeting Rules and Procedure | HB 1431 |
Public Hearings | SCR 4001 |
Recognizing and Commending the National Conference of State Legislatures on Its 50th Anniversary | SCR 4020 |
Regulations or Plans Adopted by International Organizations | HB 1089 |
Reports | |
Amount Received and Spent From Mineral Royalties by the Williston Research Extension Center | SB 2020 |
Antiobesity Medication | HB 1452 |
Breast Examination Coverage | HB 1283 |
Lignite Marketing Feasibility Study | SB 2014 |
Public Employees Fertility Preservation Health Benefits | HB 1284 |
Public Employees Retirement System | HB 1282 |
Rural Catalyst Grant Program | SB 2390 |
Step Therapy Protocols | SB 2248 |
Term Limits | HB 1300 |
Term Limits for Members | SCR 4008 |
Theodore Roosevelt National Park Working Group | |
Membership | SB 2331 |
Tribal-state Relations | |
Tribal Consultations | HB 1455 |