Major Topic Index - Legislative Branch

Category Bill
Annual Legislative Sessions HB 1408
Agency Appropriation SB 2001
Artificial Intelligence Disclosure Statements HB 1167
Candidate Name Placement HB 1446
Bill Introduction
Restriction and Deadlines HB 1406
District Meetings HB 1463
Election Offenses HB 1245
Enforcement Process for the North Dakota Ethics Commission HB 1360
Ethics and Criminal Immunity HB 1277
Exception to the Prohibition Against Gifts HB 1304
House and Senate Employment Positions and Fixing Compensation SCR 4005
Legislative Assembly Meetings SB 2319
Legislative Committee on Government Efficiency HB 1442
Legislative Redistricting SB 2338
Meal Reimbursement of Members of the Legislative Assembly HB 1323
Organizational Session Requirements HB 1257
Political Advertisements Fund Source Report HB 1286
Political Organizations
Meeting Rules and Procedure HB 1431
Proposed Studies
Wildfire Response SB 2340
Public-spirited Organization Use of Raffle Proceeds for Political Purpose HB 1276
Registration of Voters HB 1287
Term Limits HB 1300
Tribal-state Relations
Tribal Consultations HB 1455
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