Major Topic Index - Resolutions

Category Bill
House Concurrent
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal HCR 3007
Congress Urged to Provide for Inclusion of Names on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall HCR 3005
Congress Urged to Provide Veterans With Medical Coverage for Hyperbaric Oxygenation Therapy HCR 3011
Encourage and Maintain Policies to Develop Carbon Capture Technology HCR 3016
Giving Hearts Day Declaration HCR 3027
Honoring Police and First Responders of Fargo HCR 3025
Improvement of the Unites States Postal Service HCR 3006
Observance of Miner's Day HCR 3017
Removal of Judicial Immunity HCR 3021
Repeal of One-mill Levy to Support the State Medical Center HCR 3012
Restoration of the Definition of Marriage as Union Between One Man and One Woman HCR 3013
Sports and Amusements HCR 3004
Sports Betting HCR 3002
State Funding HCR 3023
State Troubadour HCR 3008
Study to Invest in Digital Currency HCR 3022
The State Treasurer and State Investment Board to Invest Selected State Funds in Digital Assets and Precious Metals HCR 3001
Urging Public Health, Health Care Systems, and Health Care Providers to Address Vitamin D Deficiency HCR 3014
Urging the Federal Government to Take Actions to Enact Trade Policy That Supports Business and Workers of the United States While Penalizing Global Polluters HCR 3009
Urging the Southwest Power Pool and Midcontinent Independent System Operator to Maintain the Reliability Bulk Power Systems HCR 3015
Urging the State of North Dakota to Acknowledge the Kingship of Jesus Christ HCR 3020
House Regular
Definition of Marriage HR 5001
Senate Concurrent
Admission of Washington D.c. as a State SCR 4009
Amend and Reenact Section 2 of Article V of the Constitution of North Dakota Relating to the Election of Public Service Commissioners SCR 4015
Article V United State Constitution Convention SCR 4003
Authorizing Budget Section Hearing on Receipt of Federal Block Grants SCR 4001
Capitol Building Fund to Build a Legislative Office Building SCR 4024
Congressional Term Limits SCR 4011
Congress Urged to Establish Wild Horse Herd Federal Protections SCR 4006
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program SCR 4021
Educational Proficiency Rates Among Students With Disabilities SCR 4019
Electoral College Interstate Compact SCR 4013
House and Senate Employment Positions and Fixing Compensation SCR 4005
Legislative Districts Containing Tribal Lands SCR 4014
M-44 Sodium Cyanide Devices SCR 4012
Memorial Dedicated to Emergency Medical Services Personnel on Capitol Grounds SCR 4018
North Dakota Dark Sky Resolution SCR 4004
Recognizing and Commending the National Conference of State Legislatures on Its 50th Anniversary SCR 4020
Recognizing Pornography as a Public Health Hazard SCR 4017
Single Subject Rule in State Constitutional Amendments SCR 4007
Study Regarding Separate Party Primary Ballots SCR 4016
Termination of Perpetual Easements Owned by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service SCR 4002
Term Limits for Members of the Legislative Assembly SCR 4008
Transgender Student-athlete Eligibility Policy SCR 4010
Voting on Property Tax or Bonding Questions SCR 4022
Threshold for Approving Constitutional Amendments HCR 3003
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