SCR 4028 - Overview

A Amendment S SPA
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal

Introduced by Sen. Gerhardt, Rep. Brandenburg, Sen. Hogue, Rep. Nathe, Sen. Roers, Rep. Vigesaa


A concurrent resolution to create and enact a new article to the Constitution of North Dakota, relating to term limits for the governor, lieutenant governor, statewide elected officials, and members of the legislative assembly and prior years of service for members of the legislative assembly and statewide elected officers; to repeal sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 of article XV of the Constitution of North Dakota, relating to cumulative term limits for members of the legislative assembly and the office of governor, and legislative authority, and initiative petition processes; and to provide an effective date.

Measure Status   Track this Resolution

First Reading

Senate 02/24

Referred to Committee

State and Local Government

Second Reading

Senate 03/17

First Reading


Referred to Committee

Second Reading


Return to Senate

Conference Committee

If Necessary

Secretary of State

Last Official Action

Second reading, failed to adopt yeas 19 nays 28