Information Technology Committee
Number Of Members: 12
Committee Citizen Members

October 30, 2014 - 9:00 am to 10:00 am CDT
September 25, 2014 - 9:00 am to 4:30 pm CDT
June 18, 2014 - 8:30 am to 3:15 pm CDT
March 13, 2014 - 9:00 am to 12:00 pm CDT
December 10, 2013 - 9:00 am to 3:00 pm CST
August 20, 2013 - 10:00 am to 4:30 pm CDT
Committee Memorandums
January 9, 2013 - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm CST
2234 § 1 Study Voice over Internet Protocol service and the effect of this service and other technologies on the telecommunications industry, including any desired changes in regulation and taxation
2353 § 3 Study issues relating to the development of the current radio communication plan, its costs and components, and evolving technologies that will better serve the public
Receive report from the State Board of Higher Education, on request, regarding higher education information technology planning, services, and major projects (NDCC § 15-10-44)
Receive report from the Statewide Longitudinal Data System Committee on the status of the plan for a longitudinal data system (NDCC § 15.1-02-18)
Determine information technology compliance reviews to be conducted by the State Auditor and receive the results of those reviews (NDCC §§ 54-10-28; 54-35-15.4)
Receive a project startup report and a project closeout report from the affected legislative or judicial branch agency regarding any information technology project with a total cost of $500,000 or more (NDCC § 54‑35‑15.2)
Receive a report from the Chief Information Officer regarding the recommendations of the State Information Technology Advisory Committee relating to the prioritization of proposed major information technology projects and other information technology issues (NDCC § 54-35-15.2)
Receive and review information received from the Information Technology Department relating to higher education information technology projects with a total cost of $500,000 and receive and review information from the department regarding any information technology project of an executive branch agency with a total cost of between $100,000 and $500,000 (NDCC § 54-35-15.2)
Receive information from the State Board of Higher Education regarding higher education information technology planning, services, and major projects (NDCC § 54-35-15.2)
Review the activities of the Information Technology Department, statewide information technology standards, the statewide information technology plan, and major information technology projects; review cost-benefit analyses of major projects; conduct studies; and make recommendations regarding established or proposed information technology programs and information technology acquisition (NDCC § 54-35-15.2)
Receive from the Chief Information Officer recommendations of the department's advisory committee regarding major software projects for consideration and the drafting of appropriate legislation to implement the recommendations (NDCC § 54-59-02.1)
Receive report from the Chief Information Officer regarding the coordination of services with political subdivisions and from the Chief Information Officer and the commissioner of the State Board of Higher Education regarding coordination of information technology between the Information Technology Department and higher education (NDCC § 54-59-12)
Receive report from the Information Technology Department regarding any executive branch state agency or institution that does not agree to conform to its information technology plan or comply with statewide policies and standards (NDCC § 54-59-13)
Receive annual report from the Information Technology Department (NDCC § 54-59-19)
Receive report from the Secretary of State certifying that the information technology components of the electronic filing system are ready for implementation before August 1, 2015 (2013 House Bill No. 1136, § 50; 2013 House Bill No. 1015, § 42)
Receive annual reports from the State Board of Higher Education during the 2013-14 interim regarding the status of the consolidation of North Dakota University System information technology services, including the location of staff members providing those services (2013 Senate Bill No. 2003, § 22)
Receive findings and recommendations from the Office of Management and Budget by March 31, 2014, regarding its information technology relocation and consolidation study of information technology equipment operated by the Attorney General and other agencies and receive any proposed legislation by July 1, 2014 (2013 Senate Bill No. 2021, § 8)
Receive findings and recommendations from the Information Technology Department before January 1, 2014, regarding its study of all state agencies' information technology desktop support to determine the feasibility and desirability of centralization of desktop support services (2013 Senate Bill No. 2021, § 9)