1997 Regular Session (55th Legislative Assembly)
County Auditor
Category | Bill |
Absentee Ballot Voting | HB 1233 |
Auditor Record of Township Dissolution | SB 2067 |
Ballot Name Rotation | HB 1228 |
Ballot Publication and Candidate Names Arrangement | SB 2093 |
Election Ballots, Canvassing, Nominations, and Filing | SB 2175 |
Election Judge and Clerk Appointment | SB 2190 |
Election Recounts | HB 1234 |
Game and Fish License Sale by Out-of-state Vendor | HB 1302 |
Game and Fish Licenses Sale by County Auditor Eliminated | HB 1303 |
Independent Candidate Nominations and Petitions | HB 1159 |
Mail Ballot Elections and Procedures | HB 1157 |
Political Subdivision Election Recounts | SB 2250 |
Primary Election Ballot Form and Samples | SB 2290 |
Tax Sale Certificate Holding Period | HB 1207 |
Veteran Trainees and Certain Report to Bureau Repeal | SB 2073 |